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Hi, I want to remind you that patreon will not charge you for a subscription to current patrons (if you are reading this, then this is you), so you should not unsubscribe at the end of the month.

This Image Set will be expanded to ~100 images and will be available on patreon and affect3d when I finish all the projects I promised (another set of 40 images and "Elf's Quest 2")

Soon I will create polls for the next image set.




What a great start, and an even better one knowing it'll be expanded to about 60 more :). Looks like you are diving head first into a lot of work... "another set of 40 images and "Elf's Quest 2"... I mean why not I'll be here lurking when they release. Not like I've got anything else to do anyways (fk you covid19). Stay healthy and thanks for your awesome art.


My one regret with this set (so far) is that Maurena and Vi lose their tops and microskirts very suddenly between 16 and 17 for no apparent reason. It makes me kind of wish that they'd stayed "dressed" for longer. The fluid sim for 22 and 23 looks too clear/transparent to be believable as cum. And presumably, some of that ought to have gotten onto our kneeling girl, but in 24 she has nothing on her, so that's a minor continuity point. I mean, if you spurt cum onto a girl, she ought to wear it for a least a little while ... right? I do like the balls handling going on in 31-34 ... and the kisses in 21 and 26 carry a sense of FEELING to them that you don't often see in 3DX (where it's often times the objective to go as maximal as possible as fast as possible). I was a little surprised to see Maurena go for anal in 38 rather than vaginal, but that then sets up some really good belly bulge work in 40-43(!) ... although I'm not sure why 41 and 42 were included in the set (since either/or 41 or 42 alone would have sufficed). The "show your work" of the X-ray view in 43 works really nicely for verifying that the belly bulge is the right shape/angle/etc. for the penis that has been forced up her ass. Not sure why Vi's penis has such a pronounced upward curve to it though. The recolor on the magical effects (mixed blues and pinks) works a LOT better than what you had previously. The previous monochrome was simply too blah/bland and this looks much better. All in all, a good release so far. I'm also VERY partial to the well defined abdominals on Maurena. *YUM* ...


At 22-23, I wanted to portray precum. Thank you for your feedback.


I always take into account any feedback. Thank you all for leaving comments.))


Great set. Love the facial expressions on Sofia and Maurena. Their bodies are just perfect. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the story.


Its fine, but Elfs Quest was awesome :)