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When comparing pony tail versus unbound, there is simply NO CONTEST here … the pony tail looks better to me. However, if you were wanting to depict a "cave woman" style of character, the unbound hair would work much better … but on someone with the clothing style options you've given us the "messy unbound" hair doesn't do her any favors. Among the pony tail styles, I have a conflict of wanting to combine two of the options (1st and 3rd). I rearranged the images (individually) in my browser to look at all of the frontal and profile images together for better cross comparisons. The 2nd style of the pony tail is my least favorite because it places the pony tail so high on the back of her head that it can be seen from the front, and because it allows (in my opinion) too much hair to hang in front of her ears, which winds up being distracting (and potentially obscuring depending on posing and camera angles). So the 2nd style of pony tail has nothing to recommend it for me. From the front it gives her a more elongated looking face (from chin to top of pony tail behind her head) and the framing loose locks of hair at the sides hide her ears from the front and "don't help" her appearance for me. Of the remaining 1st and 3rd styles of pony tail, I prefer the looser "relaxed pull on the scalp" look of her hair on her head in the 1st style, since it gives a better balance to her head/face from the front than the 3rd style does. The looser styling of the 1st practically INVITES you to stick your fingers in her hair (to guide her head) while the 3rd style basically precludes that option due to the tightness of the pull towards the pony tail. For the "hang" of the pony tail itself, I prefer the "shape" of the pony tail in the 1st style, but have a preference for her hair to be made a little longer so that the end of her pony tail reaches down to the level of her nipples/shoulder blades, rather than merely stopping at her shoulders/armpits … so I like the length of the pony tail shown in the 3rd style, even as I prefer the shape of the 1st. Part of my reasoning for that preference is that if her hair is longer in the pony tail, there would be additional options for *braiding* that "wealth" of hair in alternative hairstyles in the future, if you were so inclined. Also, longer hair would look/seem/feel "more luxurious" than shorter hair, I'm thinking. And besides … you can't tell me that no one is ever going to WANT to PULL on that pony tail … are you? Better to have plenty/more than you need for that than "not enough" … right?


the tail can be made longer/shorter in any hairstyle


I figured that would be easy enough to implement, but wanted to mention it because once it is said you start thinking in terms of "well what ELSE can you do with long(er) hair?" if it gets unbound/pulled out of the pony tail (and braided, etc.). It's the PROMISE of what else can happen with that longer hair that will tickle your interest for ... MORE ...