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Well, I just have to create an orc and choose a location and I will start to create "Jan20 Affect3D Set". 

If you have any suggestions about this (appearance orc), then write in private messages or comments.




Like you already know, one of the best monsters/orcs have Jared and X3Z. Try to mix it and do it by your way ;-). And dont forget to big dick like you have it in Elfs Quest ;-)


The X3Z orcs are slender, muscular, and human-like. Jared999d has fat orcs with pig snouts. ;DDD I don't care what he looks like. I will do it at my discretion if there are no suggestions.


As long as the orcs have dark skin, I'm fine. Nothing green or grey, please


Yeees! Uhahah (draft variant - https://imgur.com/a/NH9zAde ). I can repaint it, but I think it's good enough.


I'm going to go out on a limb here for the orc appearance and say ... hunky bodybuilder type body ... but for the skin color I'd actually suggest going with a "swarthy golden brown" color similar to (but not exactly the same as) what you used in the first Elf's Quest set, so a gold tinge instead of a reddish tinge to the skin color. The idea being that you'd want to create a sense of ambiguity while drawing on continuity, owing to the fact that we didn't get to see the male in Elf's Quest 1 ... was that an Orc the first time, or a Human, or what? Now, if you could make a HANDSOME Orc, with dark skin and lustrous black hair (Fabio hair?) so as to make him a Handsome Savage™ (as opposed to a beastly savage, leaving open the possibility of a noble savage) that would be good not only for the set itself, but also for the plot going forwards. Is this whole thing of Elves trysting with Orcs ... a Thing™? Is it taboo/illicit/forbidden/traitorous? Is it a case of sexual dimorphism (all the females are beautiful elf girls and all the males are hunky orcs with GIGANTIC cocks) and elf girls having sex with orcs is NECESSARY for both genders to survive in their setting (and thanks to "selective breeding" by each side, the erogenous zones for each gender have simply been getting larger and larger with each generation, hence the huge cocks and the holes that yearn to accommodate them)? Are we looking at a sort of heat/rut cycle in which each side is *compelled* to come together (and cum together) to have sex like this, regardless of what they might otherwise think while living separately? You have an opportunity here to do a little bit of world building and continuity, if you're willing to take on the challenge.

hold (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-31 20:09:41 >> "was that an Orc the first time, or a Human, or what?" It looks like a human being)) https://mega.nz/#!arZiASKZ!Dax-CcMIYuwAIK4e7ZNywri--YU1VMozYcpv0x4TgWA As for the proposed storylines, this is interesting. But I think the plot in these sets should be mediocre and minimal. Maybe I'm wrong.
2020-01-08 15:24:14 >> "was that an Orc the first time, or a Human, or what?" It looks like a human being)) https://mega.nz/#!arZiASKZ!Dax-CcMIYuwAIK4e7ZNywri--YU1VMozYcpv0x4TgWA As for the proposed storylines, this is interesting. But I think the plot in these sets should be mediocre and minimal. Maybe I'm wrong.

>> "was that an Orc the first time, or a Human, or what?" It looks like a human being)) https://mega.nz/#!arZiASKZ!Dax-CcMIYuwAIK4e7ZNywri--YU1VMozYcpv0x4TgWA As for the proposed storylines, this is interesting. But I think the plot in these sets should be mediocre and minimal. Maybe I'm wrong.


There's nothing "wrong" (per se) with having mediocre to minimal plots for your sets ... just be aware that doing that will often time mean that you're dropping on the floor an opportunity to not only build but hold onto a wider audience. Allow me to explain what I mean by that. When the artist "can't be bothered" to put even the thinnest of shreds onto whatever is happening in front of the audience, an opportunity to "draw them in(to)" the drama of whatever is being depicted not only gets lost but often winds up being ignored. As I've told other artists/writers who create erotica (whether written or visual) ... eye candy and/or sex will get you noticed (people cum for the sex, obviously) ... but what makes them come back (and cum for more) is the drama/story behind what you're doing. ANYBODY can make "meaningless sex scenes" and post them. Pornhub is flooded with the stuff, after all. However it's the meaningFUL sex scenes that not only capture our interest but also manage to hold onto it beyond the immediacy of the moment. Making sex "happen" for no discernable reason whatsoever is not only possible but also stupidly easy to do ... but it will rarely capture and hold the interest of your audience for longer than it takes to watch it (once or twice) and then it's on to "what else have you done for me lately?" for the next bit of meaningless/mindless sex. However, if you take just a little bit of extra effort to do a little bit of world building and character building, to give what you're depicting not only a setting but also a touch of continuity and storytelling, that can not only draw your audience in(to) the work you're producing but also generate interest and (fun) speculation about not only what it "means" for the characters involved but also where the "story" that you're telling might go in the future. It means you have a framework upon which to build more content AND you have a channel through which to engage your audience above and beyond just merely giving them more sex content. The big thing for me though is that if what I'm looking at is "all that matters" ... I'm not going to pay a second thought to it after I stop looking at it. However, if what's being shown to me IMPLIES and is congruent with there being a "larger world" beyond merely what I'm seeing ... if actions have consequences and continuity "matters" (going forwards and backwards) ... at that point you can start building character development(s) and drama which will extend BEYOND the confines of what is being depicted in the immediacy of what I'm looking at/reading. It means (in the case of 3DX) that what I'm looking at is merely ONE moment out of MANY, and it instills the desire to see MORE than just what I'm looking at right now ... because as P T Barnum said (in a different context), when you can maneuver your audience in such a way as to "leave them wanting MORE" you can not only build your audience but also retain your audience beyond a single showing or viewing ... and THAT, as a creator, is where you want to be. In an ideal sense, you want your audience to not only be interested in what you do but also want to motivate them to become "collectors" of what you do. That said ... sticking with mediocre and minimal plots in your photosets doesn't exactly help to serve that longer term goal of motivating people to want to return to your photosets (beyond the first time), let alone wanting to collect them (gotta get 'em all!) and piece together the "story" of what's happening in them not only during but between sets. Yes, it's extra work to do that ... but I'm of the opinion that it's an investment of effort that will pay dividends over time that will FAR outweigh the upfront costs of making that investment in the first place. Also, it's something that is best to do starting EARLY (rather than late!) because once you've set the pattern for not paying attention to the plots in your sets, you'll get a reputation for that and your audience will set their expectations accordingly ... which might not be doing yourself any favors depending on what you do. That's because, if the artist can't be bothered ... quite often the audience can't (or won't) be bothered to "fill in the gaps" for the artist, because OBVIOUSLY the artist doesn't care (so why should the audience pick up the slack and "care" for them?). I'm not saying you need to overcorrect in the other direction and tie yourself in knots plotting and planning everything out to the nth degree ... but it would be helpful (both now and on into the future) to start thinking in terms of continuity, character development and world building for your sets because that's the kind of thing that helps set you apart as an artist and will help gain you a following of fans who not only want whatever you produce next but will also be motivated to collect everything you've done (for completeness, of course).


I understand what you're writing about. Just creating stories and dialogues is not my thing. I originally wanted to create a visual novel, but quickly realized that I didn't like writing scripts. The stories in my work will be no more complicated than the stories in Jared999d's work.