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In short and without details, marked TW - a nightmare of the end of February, which continues to this day, and mental problems. I'm relatively fine, at least i have enough strength to animate again, which is already a good signal. And i have a couple of news on the topic of change.


Patreon update.

Tiers system will change. This will have no effect on those who are currently on $5 and i will not change the price tag for animations that were made before the end of February 2022. I was going to do this before the events, but did not know how to approach this topic correctly. I will try to make these changes as soon as posible.



I'm still doing trace animation and a mix of stuff like that. On the topic of original content, like animations with my characters, it is still very difficult for me to answer, because i had serious plans for this topic. But i can’t even give myself an answer what will happen to my original content with my characters, let alone give an answer to someone. But outside of things about my project and my characters - everything else remains the same with some



I'm still not sure about this issue. I planned the end of February - the beginning of March to officially open the order sheet, but ... yes. I'll think about this issue some more.


stay safe. stay human.


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