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Hey Patrons,

We'll have a patron show out next week with a bunch of updates but I wanted to write a quick blog to tell you about our podcast plans for 2024!

As you may already know we're in the process of rebranding the current podcast feed to the Noclip Crewcast as our weekly "what we're playing" scrums are far more about the crew than anything else. This also means that we have room to expand the podcast work we do and after at least a year of soul searching and conversations myself and Jesse are ready to tell you our plans.

#1 - Dear Dwyery - An Interview Podcast

First off we're going to launch a brand new interview podcast hosted by yours truly. It will be me solo-hosting and each week will have a different guest from the world of games. Sometimes developers, sometimes journalists, YouTubers, streamers, and even players. It will be audio only to allow us to focus on that element in post production and make it a fun listening experience. It will be add-free and released on all the same platforms the Crewcast is (including YouTube on that same channel). We're hoping to use this podcast to expand the reach of Noclip's core mission. Be it for classic games, new games or upcoming games. Basically a way for me to have a bunch of awesome people on a show and cover the development even more games, and elements of the industry we don't get to talk about. So if you have ideas for folks you'd like to see on there - please let us know in the comments.

#2 - Highly Produced Mini-Series on Cancelled games

Myself and Jesse have always wanted to make a highly-edited, well produced podast series. Something like A Life Well Wasted, or the true-crime / political series you get from some of the best podcasters. I've always struggled with a creative box to put it in, but during recent conversations about possible documentaries I realized the big reason we don't cover a lot of cancelled games is because we can't get b-roll of so many of these games and a lot of folks involved are worried about being on camera. It finally clicked that is the perfect theme for an edited podcast series. Basically true-crime but video games. We hunt down the stories behind the most infamous cancelled games and make each episode about one of these stories. Games like Starcraft Ghost, Prey 2, Project Titan and Star Wars 1313. This series will be premium in some way - likely as a Patron exclusive, perhaps a timed one. So again, if you have any suggestions on what games you'd like to see on this show - put them in the comments.

Alright that's it for me for now. Monkey Island drops next week and we're also adding a new patron video feature where we do postmortems on recently released documentaries so look our for that. 

Thank you for your amazing support. We're working our asses off over here!



Scott DeRuby

Also, I need to hear what happened to Fez 2.

Jon Power

Great stuff. Excited for Noclip 2024! For the second podcast, I think a dive into the 'Silent Hills' game that was canceled back in 2015 would be interesting.

Author Jasmin Chase

Looking forward for the interview podcast. With love, Author Jasmin Chase (https://www.patreon.com/Jasminchase)