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Hey Patrons!

Let's try something a little different.

Below is a list of games. Some of these are just ideas I have. Some are people we are actively talking to. And others are games that folks have pitched to us over the years. Which one(s) do you think we should pursue...

  • Destiny (1&2)
  • 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand
  • NHL 94
  • Apex Legends (and probably Titanfall 2, right?)
  • Pentiment
  • Baldur's Gate 3 
  • Battlefield 1942
  • Facade
  • Rainbow Six / Rouge Spear
  • Stalker

I'd love to get your feedback on which of these docs you'd like to see. Just give the list a read and drop your thoughts in the comments. Cheerlead your favorites and comment on each other's thoughts too.  

Thanks so much!


PS: Patron Show coming early next week with loads of updates and footage.



All these sound great, but Stalker, BG3, or Apex/Titanfall sound particularly cool.

Michael Webb

Destiny, Baldurs Gate 3, Pentiment I'd watch any of them, but I have bias towards the three above.

Daniel Louis Romero

Or the destiny just to see where Bungie has gone

Sergey Kataev

Apex & Titanfall 2. And Baldur's Gate 3 of course! Pentiment as well is very interesting.


Apex and Destiny would both be incredible docs! Bungie has come so far and Apex was such a pivot from TF2 . I’d love to know more behind either of these!


Hey, I'm sure there's a good reason for using the patreon player, but it's pretty unreliable for my devices, I often get stuck before I make it 2 minutes...

Christophe Fettouhi

Baldur's Gate 3 needs a doc from someone and I would love it to be NoClip. there are so many questions regarding how this even got started because wotc have not focued anymore on games in a long time and then this came out.


Battlefield 1942


Stalker or 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand would be my choice.


Late, but adding votes for Destiny and Apex. AAA but pretty different than games covered in the past


I'd love to see Facade.


I love to see stalker


Stalker for sure. And maybe 50 Cent game as well, that ought to be interesting.


BG3 or Pentiment


Both BG3 and Battlefield 1942 would be awesome. Played BG2 when I was a kid, would love to hear the devs about how everything came to be, and how BG3 got into development