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UNLISTED VIDEO VERSION: https://youtu.be/7qL_KonOygo

Hey Patrons,

On this month's patron-exclusive podcast myself and Frank brainstorm the future of games journalism and attempt to figure it out before the industry implodes.

Enjoy the show,




Richard Hayes

I love this type of conversation, and I find it super valuable to my mental health actually. I feel like the stuff that Danny is talking about applies not only to games but to society at large. Fearing that corporations will own everything and everything will become lame is a general concern that I have about everything. It’s really fun and relieving to hear a discussion like this about what can we might create next in order to not only expresses ourselves creatively but bring value and entertainment to other humans in a real meaningful way, and, in that way, recover the communities that it seems like we’ve lost. I became a Patreon for the docs, but I’ll stay for the therapy 😂

Richard Hayes

I’d like to see some of the devs from this podcast get interviewed: https://youtube.com/@yeahimakegames They all seem to be making really cool small project stuff because they’re passionate about it, and they’re searching for ways to continue their game dev passion while dealing with work-life balance, and I’d like to hear more about that

Shahar Eldar

I would watch a Letsplay with commentary track in a heartbeat (btw is the unlisted yotube link a good place to comment? or is here better edit: I'll also add the only real letsplay I watch is Dan Floyd's (playframe) stuff because I feel like there's pretty good insight from someone who HAS worked on games to really point out various things as he's noticing them. I'm a 3d artist myself and it's just something you do naturally while playing something, another layer of enjoying the work.