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Hello October Patrons!

First of all thank you so much for your patronage the past few weeks. That so many of you have stayed patrons throughout this incredibly busy building phase means a lot to me. October is where all this behind-the-scenes work bears fruit. So let's get to it.

The First Doc!

Mid October myself and Jeremy fly somewhere for three days to shoot the first Noclip doc. It will be at least a two part series (a third element is currently being discussed with the developer) with loads of interesting behind-the-scenes elements. In fact, thanks to all the funding we're going a bit nuts with the intro to this one. It should be pretty wild. I'll announce the focus of the doc in a few weeks for Patrons first. Once we're actually at the location filming! So keep your eyes peeled to the feed.

New Live Shows!

The past few weeks have involved a lot of planning for the live element of my going solo. I have a Framemeister coming from Japan to help with capturing retro consoles properly for the docs, but I'm also going to use it in two new liveshows. The first involved me playing games that I've never played before. Classic games suggested by Patrons and subscribers on my YouTube channel. I'm calling it "First Encounter" and trust many of you will figure out the lineage there. The second is a deep dive into one of the best games ever made that I've never played. I'm calling that show "O'Carina of Time". And yes, I'm playing it on an actual N64. I'll have both shows as part of a new livestreaming calendar I'll be releasing over the weekend, but expect a pilot this week. By the way, thanks to the hundreds of you who used your Amazon Prime subscriptions to sign up to Twitch Prime and use me as their free account subscription. Noclip gets all of that revenue too, so it's all helping the mission. I was blown away by that, so thank you all so much!

The Poin....I mean, new show!

I've also been hard at work setting up the new opinion show. The problem with a first episode is you sort of have to "nail the look" or at least that's what my brain always tells me. Thankfully, it's almost there. I'll be announcing the new opinion show with a first episode next week. Still working on the name, but I think I nailed it with the live show names (with help from Patrons!) so I'm hopeful I've almost got it!

New Q&A / Hangouts!

Last month's Q&As & Google Hangout went down well and were loads of fun, but I want to get more people involved. We'll be doing a mid-week Google Hangout in the next week or so, and I want to get another Q&A out this week now that the wheels are turning a bit faster. Expect posts about organizing those in the coming days. But for those asking, there will be multiple Hangouts and Q&A's in the first half of the month. Once we film, it'll get a little more quite on my end.


A lot of folks have been asking about meetups. And yes, once we start flying places, I'm basically going to be organizing meet-ups every time we arrive somewhere. So expect details on our first doc meetup soon. However I'm also going to be in Austin at the Grand Prix with my good friend Drew Scanlon in a few weeks time. We're organizing a Giant Bomb meetup somewhere in Austin on October 21st and I'd like to officially invite any patrons in the area to come hang out too. I'll have details on when/where as we approach the date.

And that's basically it for now. There are other bits of news but I want to hold them off until next week. I'm out of town two days this week but will be working hard to get the liveshows out and organize our November shoots. No rest of the wicked!

Thank you all again for your support. We are building something incredible here, and the fruits are gonna be delicious. Expect Q&A / Hangout posts in the next 24 hours.

See you in the discord chat!



(No title)



Let's keep the ball rolling!

Tohir Tillyaev

Nice man! I think meetups is a great idea. Looking forward to seeing you in tri-state! Plus I might actually be in Austin for work that week so if anything - expect to see my mug around then ;)


All sounds very good! :-D


Really looking forward to seeing the new opinion show! Just mimic EFMS / The Point and I'm happy ^_^

Thomas Kaspersen

Damn I hope you make a documentary about funcom and the longest journey. Then I'll have a chance to meet you in person. Would be awesome.

Wendell Williston

Didn't know about the twitch prime thing. Hit ya up on there too.

Liam Brown

All great news, keep up the good work Danny