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Hey Patrons!

Loads to cover this month so I wanted to get this out early. In this Patron Update I chat about Monday's hour long doc on Dishonored, our next Greatest Hits episode (our Production Tier patrons voted for Thief), show off a sneak peek of the Loop Hero doc you'll see later this month, discuss our Demon's Souls Remake project, plans for E3, and the whole Giant Bomb thing.

The second half of the update is mostly about the Giant Bomb stuff so if you're not a duder apologies. I just wanted to clarify where my head is at in relation to the time I spent over there. Especially as I'm very sensitive to people knowing where my creative energy is focused. I'm excited though, the next few months are going to be really interesting. Both here and there. Let's make cool stuff!

Loads happening! Exciting times! Big doc on Monday!

If you've got comments stick them in the...well, in the comments.


PS: It took my machine 6 hours to render this in 4k for some insane reason, and YouTube still hasn't processed the 4k version. So I may just do updates in 1080 for a while if it's gonna keep doing that. At least you get to see the Loop Hero stuff in 4k, I'm not sure if my face is worth all the extra pixels :P


May 2021 | Patron Update



Is this the comment section where I leave the comments?

Kyle Anderson

Stoked that you might be helping out with GB more than just the Bombcast. Dunno what it would ever be, but I think it'd be cool to get someone over there to help out with noclip in some capacity as well, but I have no idea what that would even be!


I'm incredibly excited for/supportive of you being more involved with Giant Bomb - having you on the Bombcast the last little while has been fantastic, and as a huge GB fan hearing that you're on board to do a little more with them and that you like the sound of what the Jeffs have planned for the future is extremely comforting.


I would love to see more stuff with you and Giant Bomb (that is how I know you originally) but I 100% love the focus you have on Noclip.

Jonathan Beckham

Honestly for as bummed as I am about the death of GB East, you being a recent part of the Bomb Cast made me feel a bit better about the whole situation. I'm cautiously excited to see what the future of Giant Bomb is, and I'm glad you're a part of it (No Clip obviously having my full support).

Christopher Kelly

All sounding great! Will watch the Dishonored doc this weekend. Yeah the Giant Bomb stuff was a massive blow, those guys have been there for what, 11 years? incredible loss, but excited for you to be putting more hours in with them. Missing the face to camera, the in studio interviews for the docs - I know this has to be done but when you can get back to that it would add more to each doc you make. And yes the Greatest Hits logo animation is utterly amazing, that was when I knew NoClip had gone next level with all the new support!


Would totally understand 1080p update videos! I only put the docs in 4K when I’m casting to my living room TV


I love NoClip, but I've secretly always hoped you do some more stuff with Giant Bomb. Looking forward to what the future brings. :)


You working more with GB makes me so happy! Almost every time someone has left them, it has been like losing a friend (with the realities of life, I've probably spent more time listening/watching them than I've been with my real friends), and this last departure was very hard. The fact that both you and Bakalar will be there makes me optimistic again. As a fellow European I also enjoy that you bring that perspective. Thank you for brightening my day! PS: Greatest Hits was fantastic!


You doing more "official" stuff together with GB sounds fantastic! It's understandable that there's some conflicting feelings where NoClip could somehow be affected by working with GB, but I think there's some real good content that could come of from it, and I'm sure you can find a good balance!


Agree with above. You working with GiantBomb is fantastic news! As does everything else you're working on. Can't wait to see what happens.

A Big Old Skeleton

I am fully into the idea of more O'Dwyer on GB. It is, selfishly, something I've wanted to see for ages! This is an ideal situation where it's like, NoClip is the cake, and Giant Bomb is eating the cake, and now I can have both.


I am fully on board with this.


Oh hell yes. Hell. Yes.


More work with GB sounds incredible. You have great chemistry with those guys. I don’t think it’s risky and actually think it will have the opposite effect. NoClip can really benefit from the relationship and you will have another source of creative inspiration

Björn Vahle

I'm happy you cleared up the thing about you being in a better place from a mental health perspective now than a few months prior. I was getting a little worried about all the new stuff affecting your work-life-balance in a bad way again. But: Happy to see it's done quite the opposite. Amazing, what a measly 2.000 additional patrons can do for you. 😁


Is there going to be any input from FROM on the Demon's Souls doc?

Johan Lieu

_Very_ excited to hear that you’ll be contributing more to Giant Bomb more! Your appearances on the Bombcast after Ben’s departure were great and I was secretly hoping for more of it. Glad you’re able to get some creative outlets there and still able to run Noclip.

Eoghan Brady

OMG Jeremy's HAIR. 😍 Just wondering about the subtitles on the Loop Hero clip though. Are they final? I found them really difficult to read, a lot of text on the screen at once and difficult to make out against the background.


No they’re just placeholders for editing - I thought I said as much in the intro but so many people have asked I just have been clear enough 😂


None, that’s why we went this angle. Otherwise we’d never get to talk about these games.