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Hello Production Tier Patrons!

First of all massive congrats on the first episode of Greatest Hits. The game many of you suggested, and many more voted for, was a massive hit with the YouTube community and your input into the process made sure we did the story justice. It was a great introduction to the series and puts us in a wonderful position going into episode two. 

You now understand the look and feel of the show so perhaps you have a different idea of what would make a good candidate. So lets build our list for the episode two vote later this week.

How do suggestions work?

The comments section of this post is open for suggestions. Over the next 24 hours we encourage you to post games you'd like episode two to cover, upvote other people's suggestions and reply to them in the comments. 

After 24 hours we will take a look at the comments and collect the most popular suggestions. I'll also pick one "weird" suggestion from the pile to keep it spicy, and one personal suggestion from myself. This will build the final poll which will determine which project we explore in episode two. You will all vote on this poll in a separate post later this week

Some ground-rules;

  • Suggest a game, studio, or person in the comments below.
  • Previously voted on / suggested games that did not win, are allowed.
  • Feel free to bandwagon on other suggestions. Vote them up! Cheer them on!
  • Ensure suggestions are "classic". We're thinking games from 15+ years ago.
  • Try not to suggest a massive studio or series we may struggle to fit into the runtime.
  • Classic can mean good, or infamous. Be creative!

For now that's it. If you want a reminder of what almost one last time around you can check out the previous suggestion post and poll. But don't feel restricted by it. Let you imaginations run wild and jump into the comments. I'm so excited to see what comes up.

- Danny



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