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Where: https://youtu.be/pdEry7WAkkM
When: Sunday April 25th @ 9AM Pacific / Noon Eastern / 5PM BST
Duration: 60-120 mins

Hey Production Team!

First things first, we've realized just having the two production meetings and the discord isn't enough to keep you folks involved. While we had a good amount of back and forth with you in March, it was hard to keep that momentum into April. We'll talk about it in the production meeting but our plan is to compliment these meetings with some update posts during the month to keep you up to date. That said, we have loads to update you on in this stream which you can tune into live, or watch as a VOD via this same page. The link/embed swaps over automatically. Magic!

I need a reminder - how do these meetings work?

Well first of all you don't have to turn up, fully researched with a notepad and pen. These are meant to be a patron reward, not homework. So there are loads of ways to help us out or just enjoy the content, including;

  • Join live and comment via the chat. We do a lot of back and forth brainstorming during the stream so if you have questions let us know in the chat.
  • Just join the stream and lurk. We have plenty to discuss between ourselves and we won't call anyone out randomly.
  • Watch the VOD after the live event. We'll keep the stream punchy and entertaining so it's a fun watch for those of you who can't be there live.

So what is the focus of tomorrow's meeting?

Tomorrow will be a huge early look at the first episode. We'll show you scenes and our incredible intro video / graphical treatment (which I take zero credit for). We'll update you on who we interviewed, how those interviews went, and the story of the episode we are crafting. We'll be taking your feedback and using it to craft the final version of the doc. Oh and maybe we'll chat a bit about the next episode vote seen as it's fast approaching!

We're doing this interview 5 hours earlier than last time to better accommodate our friends in Europe, Africa and Asia. But for those of you who can't join us live shoot us your ideas in the comments below, and comment on the VOD after the fact too - we read it all.

See you on Sunday producers!



Noclip Greatest Hits #01 - Post-Production Meeting

Time for a big update!


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