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PRIVATE YOUTUBE LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=giXMgtYCLHY


Oh my god. So many of you signed up. In their tier too!  By my count we have around 300 folks who can vote which includes both the $20 and $30 folks so this could go in any direction. Thank you so much for being part of this. I'm so excited to see where it goes.

So, how are we gonna do this?

This is a new project for us too, and we want to make sure the power is in your hands. That said we also need to guide the process a little bit so it doesn't fully go off the wrong set of rails. So what we're going to do is allow open suggestions in this post. Once you've posted some suggestions we collect the most popular ones, add one or two ourselves and post a final poll in a few days time. This poll will dictate which project we explore in episode one.

The video above explains the voice of the show and what types of games/studios/stories we'd like to cover, but for the sake of brevity here are the main points.

  • Suggest a game, studio, or person in the comments below.
  • Feel free to bandwagon on other suggestions. Vote them up! Cheer them on!
  • Ensure suggestions are "classic". We're thinking games from 15+ years ago.
  • Try not to suggest a massive studio or series we may struggle to fit into the runtime.
  • Classic can mean good, or infamous. Be creative!

For now that's it. Let you imaginations run wild and jump into the comments.

I'm so excited to see what comes up.


- Danny


Greatest Hits #01 - Welcome & Initial Suggestions


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