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Hey folks,

I'm fairly open about my mental health on a normal day, but times have been a little harder than usual around these parts recently. I have an update on what's coming from Noclip but I find it impossible to detangle our schedule from the reality of my personal day-to-day so I'm just gonna use this post to explain it all. 

First up, here are the Noclip projects that are currently in production and will round out a rather busy and eclectic year for us;

  • Alien Isolation - this edit is finished but we're kinda waiting to hear back about some more materials that we might be able to use. It's a legal thing. We may just post it early without the extra materials. Watch this space. No pun intended. It's about 22mins.
  • Dishonored - this one is big and multi-lingual. Aiming for November but may slip a month. When it's ready.
  • Tim Schafer on 20 Years of Double Fine - Jeremy currently editing. I recon November. Though I did a bad job recording the audio so maybe it'll take him 2 years to clean it up.
  • Microsoft Flight Simulator - This is a neat little remote mini-doc like the Command & Conquer project. All about the tech & design of the new Flight Sim game. Expect it in December.
  • Hades: Developing Hell #06 - By the end of the year. Perhaps December 19th so the series was exactly 2 years running. Seems nice.
  • More Podcasts - We're in a little break this week as I was off for the week but the show will be back next week. We've got more fun guests lined up.
  • Black Mesa (Focusing on Xen) - We'll share more on this project soon. It's a fun one.

So, onto the other stuff.

Last week I took my first week off in I can't tell how long. I practiced BMX, played some games and drove to the mountains to go camping in my car in bear country. It made me a feel a bit better but generally the balancing act of running a company, editing these long-ass videos, working through my immigration stuff, DMV hell, pandemic, stolen meth cars, missing Ireland and being a dad / husband - have all been taking its toll. 

I've been working through a lot of this in therapy and reconfiguring various aspects of my work/life balance but there have been easy weeks and hard weeks. Of course as somebody whose lived with depression for most of my life none of this is particularly new. This isn't a cry for help or a plea for solace - I live with these issues on a daily basis and have done for years. I mention it only to give context to the way in which Noclip has been working and perhaps how I'd like to change it back to the ways things were in the early years. 

The funny thing about Noclip turning four years old is that we're almost in the exact same position we were in when this whole thing started. After two years on the East Coast I am once again editing from a room in Oakland. Granted these days it's a spare room in a house and not the corner of my apartment so I can't complain. But we get the same level of funding we got back in 2016 while producing far more work. I employ a handful of contractors who help with various aspects of the business. In the past we made a big doc project every 2-3 months. These days we produce a handful of videos every month alongside a weekly podcast. We've produced more work this year than ever before.

Working my ass off for 4 years has meant we've created a bunch of amazing projects and built a pretty big audience. But I've learned in recent months that I can't keep this pace up. My creative energy is being sapped in a way that actually makes for worse content in the long run. 

So what's the strategy?  I don't know yet exactly. I think it's probably slowing down on producing so many videos, and focusing on the big docs again. The feedback from the community seems to suggest that's what people want - and creatively that's where I am too. I'm also reaaaaaaly wanting to work on non-doc stuff again. With the new consoles coming I'm more interested than ever in producing some stuff on my own channel. With the lack of in-person filming for Noclip I'm probably going to use Jeremy a bunch in recording these. If I could take a month off docs to do this I would. Honestly I'm always just scared everyone will leave the Patreon hah.

I've also been working on a for-hire gig in my spare time over the past few months which has been keeping me sane. I mostly took it on because I was dying of creative loneliness and needed to collaborate with somebody. After four years of being independent I just wanted somebody to ask me to make something and say "good job".

I've really enjoyed it. It's weird how your brain works.

Recently I've been working 4 hour days to keep my work efficient and trying to do home & hobby stuff in the remaining hours. Being around to help with our kid has been lovely in helping me step away from work too. My work output hasn't suffered.

But every day is tough in it's own unique way.

Noclip isn't going anywhere. We literally have more projects to work on than ever, but if there's one change you're likely to see in 2021 it's going back to "quality over quantity". Covid-19 has myself and Jeremy stuck in Oakland for the foreseeable, so a mixture of remote interviews with higher-than-ever production values on those docs seems like where we should be. I'm hopeful to use our resources to FINALLY do some of my own reporting on the new consoles, or issues within the games industry. 

For now I just wanted to reach out and let you know how I'm doing. We're all going through some shit these days so I really appreciate the support you give myself and the team. I check in on Jeremy and Frank often - and though I won't speak on their behalf - they seem to be doing alright too. 

Thanks for reading. Thanks for your messages of support. Thanks for funding us.

More videos coming. 

Stay Safe. Wear a mask. It makes you look like Sub-Zero.




Liam Harvey

Stay safe Danny x


Thanks so much for sharing! Nothing about this year is easy, and it’s super reassuring to hear you be open and honest with your personal struggles. Feel free to ease off the gas a bit and take time for yourself. I’ll still be here supporting you, at least.

Mattias Lundqvist

Take care of yourself Danny! Don't worry, we are not going anywhere! Please take time for yourself!


I know I can't speak for everyone, but for me personally I don't need creators to burn themselves out in a couple of years by making daily/weekly/constant videos. I'd rather they have a balanced life and just release videos as they're finished rather than to meet stressful and detrimental deadlines. Obviously this isn't the kind of thing that YouTube and other video platforms and their viewers support nor favor but that would be the ideal. Here's to hoping you can find a good balance where content gets made, you have a good life, and money still flows into the company.


Take some time off Danny, seems like you need some. We’re not going anywhere. Make some videos for your Youtube channel, I always loved “The Point” style videos. Stay safe ✌🏼

Tom Amos

The patreon cash won't dry up. We're a bouyant community who love the noclip output along with everyone in the team who puts so much graft into the process. 🎮🙂 Keep smiling fella


Not just a "good job", you are doing a GREAT JOB! Cheers! J


Thanks for opening up, and please work at whatever pace is best for you. I'm not going anywhere.


Take a break dude <3 I've been a Patreon since Day 0, won't be going anywhere.


Much love Danny and thank you for sharing. I’ve struggled in many of the same ways for years, but especially in the isolation of 2020. Stay safe and healthy friend. ❤️

Writing on Games

Just to let you that at the very least you're not alone, as I can *fully* relate to this (I appreciated hearing someone else express this kind of thing in that regard). Also, though, if you're worrying about some dip in quality, it really isn't showing in the work. I've been consistently wowed by Noclip's ability, more than almost any other video production team, to adapt/maintain such high production values in such wild circumstances. Even if it's tiring, you're doing amazing work and I'm happy to support it regardless of how you proceed, whether there are less/different videos, etc. Anything - you and the team have proven yourselves to be far and away some of the best to do this kind of thing and that's what I'm supporting for, at least. You remain a massive inspiration in my own work and I guess I just wanted to say thanks for that. Keep on keeping on, Danny and co.!

Pocket Vinyl

While I'm sure you're final number of how much Patreon supporters you have month to month changes, know that you have a solid bedrock of supporters that are not going anywhere. That's a hard number to really see or understand, but I'd be willing to be it's higher than you think. Looking forward to all the work to come, but take your time and rest.

Josh J

Thanks for sharing this with us! Every one of your documentaries has been so good that I don't mind waiting for the next one (they are fun to rewatch too). Please keep enjoying your downtime!

Dmitrij Paskevic

What majority here has said.. Take a break if possible. Burning out is no fun and not something anyone here wants Danny. Thanks for opening up and stay safe/sane ❤️


Cheers Danny and the rest of Noclip! Keep up the great work and enjoy your break! You’ve definitely earned it!

Nick Grugin

you do you man, heck i am just happy with something once a month. anybody living in CA is barely surviving as is cause of property values being so jacked up. Do what you gotta do man. Long as you keep putting ad-free stuff out every once an awhile, I'll keep backing

Shell Comics

Take care of yourselves, my dudes ❤️

Thomas Munkholt

Much love. Not going anywhere.

Björn Vahle

Danny, if I remember correctly, you're doing this to one day look back on a library of stories about/in/around games that helps people understand why we love this time-consuming, beautiful monstrosity called gaming so much. And the people who make games. But "one day" is... whenever! There's no rush. Thanks for being open about this, I'm sure it's the hardest part. The roadmap up there is a lot to look forward to. So: Thank you! Stay safe. We'll be here no matter.

Brandon K Gann

Thanks for the update Danny. While I'm sorry to hear so much is compounding in multiple ways and wearing you down, it's also heartening to see you doing your best and recognizing when step back. Please take as much time off as you need, as often as you need it. I'm very excited for all the stuff NoClip does/is doing, but it isn't worth it if you've got your nose to the grindstone constantly. If that means NoClip pulls back on the amount of docs/videos you do for 2021, so be it. Your health is first and foremost. Keep up the great work, not just the docs, but in being yourself and taking care of yourself. We're here for ya.

Matej A.

Hang in there, all of you. Do whatever you think is good at pace you can handle. I will keep supporting you no matter what. Cheers!


Take the time you need. Goes to all of you at noclip. You deserve it! And noclip to me is not about the volume of content. Its only about the content itself. If Its only a couple of docs a year. So be it. As long as you Guys love what you do, it shows in the work. Love your work. Stay safe and sane.


Take care of yourself however you need to! I appreciate the honesty and transparency you are giving us. I use Patreon more to support people I think are doing cool shit with their lives - so do what makes sense if it's to help you do what you want more sustainably.


Take care, Danny. Quality over quantity is fine by me. Hopefully the podcast still fits in there, loving that one!


Good job! Seriously, good job, mate! Thank you and all the team for what you have been doing. I'm going to up the pledge a bit in case it makes a difference, but still, thank you for this project!

Josh Carrero

If you need to put out less to keep yourself sane, I'm 100% supportive of it. I want you to make the content that makes you feel creatively fulfilled, because we both know that that's going to be the best content. Trust me, my patreon pledge isn't going anywhere!

Tohir Tillyaev

My man! You are doing great, honestly...just do stuff. I wonder if constantly thinking, planning, thinking about planning just wastes your energy. Trust your gut and create...whatever you feel like creating. At this point you, and the team know how to deliver the amazing content. We, as supporters, know what to expect, and frankly with how all of our lives are a bit upside down - we won’t notice that much, if there is a week or two here and there without a new doc. As many people on this platform and on YouTube - I’m here for whatever you guys decide to produce. You want to make a series about every video game with a tomcat in it - I’ll be there for every freaking episode - I know you and Jeremy and the rest of the team would make that documentary because you had a cool story to tell. Good luck. All the love. Follow Nike’s motto :)

Josh Carrero

Oh, and glad to hear you took a week off. That's super important. We're all going through a lot of shit right now, and I don't want this Patreon to be another thing for you to stress over. I sincerely hope you find the right balance you're looking for, and I am now looking forward to your non-doc stuff on the new consoles!


As someone who works creatively on projects often without any vehicle for feedback to measure success or otherwise, I really relate to your message here. Thank you as always Danny for your transparency and commitment to this incredible project. I continue to be very inspired by the output from Noclip and will continue to support the initiative indefinitely.

Jake Hakim

Dude, love all of your work. You guys are always killing it. I rant about how good your content is to people who don't even play video games. I really think your videos will go down in history. You're chronicling the evolution of the most amazing medium, and you're giving us looks into the development and history of these games that we could never get otherwise. I can't speak for us all but I will support this channel no matter what. You take it easy and feel good about what you guys have accomplished during an extremely tumultuous year. I also relate in toto to the sentiment about the satisfaction of finishing small tasks. But in response to all the huge tasks you guys have completed this year: Great job.

Thom Blackburn

Don't take off a week. Take off a month. My sub isn't going anywhere! And you don't have to tell anyone that you aren't looking for sympathy or support, you deserve both of them if you're having a rough time. Please take care of yourself. You're a treasure to the gaming industry as well as documentarians. ❤️

James O'Donnell

This was a great read and glad to hear you and Jeremy are both doing well. Thank you for sharing. I agree totally on the good and bad days, I've been working from home in Dublin since March and with the news of a full lockdown again this week, it seems like this never ends. I can't imagine the stress of everything that's going on right now as well as running a company so I hope you and yours are all well. It's great to see a list of what's to come, I rewatched the Arkane doc the other day in the gym and its crazy how your content has helped during all this. Take your time with all the new stuff, we'll all be still hear when it's ready. Take care, boys!


Don't be afraid to take some time off! I've been subbed for years and I'm not going anywhere. I can't speak for everyone, but I'd be surprised if most people didn't feel the same way.

Dan Silverstone

I've recently taken on too much work, freelancing from home, and have been close to breaking point. Have given myself the week off but I'm still having to tie up loose ends and work. Feel like I can't switch off but it's all a learning curve. I'll get better at it and by addressing what you're going through it sounds like you're getting better at managing your time, brain, life, better too. Your health comes first, that;s how you look after those around you. Don't overload yourself, that's not what's important. Do what makes you happy but don't let it turn into something that makes you sad. Quality over quantity FTW.


Quality over quantity is that why I came to your channel. It's hard to imagine how much work you put into your masterpieces. We need healthy Danny and Co to get more of your works, so just take most comfy pace for you :) You are great!


can't speak for anyone else but you've got me locked in as a patron. take as much time off as you need


Thanks for the update. I'd like to say, the output from NoClip this year has been amazing, especially given the pandemic. You can rest assured my patreon sub isn't going anywhere cause I know that no matter how long is needed for the recharge the quality of content from NoClip deserves to be made. Take your time, as Miyamoto may or may not have said "A delayed doc is eventually good, but a bazilion docs makes Danny burnout and we don't want that"! You're still the best gaming content on Youtube.

Rafael Ferreira Silva

I can only speak for myself but I don't plan leaving Patreon. I'm supporting your work, and it doesn't matter if it's 20 or 2 videos a year. Take your time, take deep breaths and be sure we'll be here!


Appreciate the honesty, and just keep on keeping on! It's a mess for everyone, we are all doing the best we can with the tools we have available!

William Heathcote

It sounds like you're doing what you need to and thinking about all the right stuff. Even doing that, it can be hard. I think if you do what you want to do, people are going to want to support you no matter what. I know I feel that way. Be well, Danny.


Take care. And "good job" on all the great content you created <3 <3 <3

Steve Dennis

I'm more inclined to pay a bit extra for a month while you take some time off, than to leave. It's super hard to talk about this stuff even to people you're close to, let alone in a forum like this, so I want you to know it's deeply appreciated. Have a break if you need it, and do what you need to do with the patreon/channel to stay safe and happy. We love your work and have got your back.

Bavo Debraekeleer

Stay healthy! That's the most important thing! That Xen doc sound cool! And maybe you can do two channels for Noclip, like Kinda Funny does? Oh right, you already have two with the podcast! 😅 A third than, with non-doc stuff? That way it's funded too? Maybe it'll feel more comfortable too do it that way since you're not taking time away from Noclip? On the other side that's another extra Noclip thing than, ... difficult decisions you can keep going on about! 😅 Whatever you do, I'm here to stay! 😉


Danny, big docs - few and far between - quality over quantity. I upped my sub tier level. I'm in for the long haul. 👍🏻 best


Power to you Danny and NoClip dudes. You have to make NoClip work for you as well as it works for us! I cannot speak for others, but it is your unique voice that is interesting, if that means small things frequently, or long things less frequently (or small things rather sporadically) then I don't really mind...as long as it is sustainable for you and yours!

Daniel Maurath

Echoing other sentiments that im here for the long haul! I would suggest talking to someone about the business side to determine what works vs what doesn't work (work can be views, your personal enjoyment, # of new patrons etc.) to better guide decisions around many short videos vs big docs vs mixture. You have the data but sounds like you could use some assurances on what the data means That may help assuage the worries of "if I hit the brakes, the train derails."


Dear Danny, You are an inspiration. A bastion of all that is good in games coverage. Your honesty and transparency is why we support you. Take your time. Stay happy, healthy and balanced. We are not going anywhere. Much love! (PS this community is awesome, what a lovely bunch of humans in these comments!)


Thanks for sharing, Danny. I have no intention to leave, I just got here recently ^^ Best of luck with everything and I'd love to see something when you think it's done enough. No pressure.

Shannon Blue

Sending big virtual hugs to you and the team. It's definitely a tough time right now - know my support will never waver, take your time!


All I can say is ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ and I'm sticking for the long haul as others have said. Might bump up a level (edit: I did, from $10/m to $30 tier paid yearly). Honestly, whatever you decide is exactly the right decision. Don't doubt it.


Just here to say, good job Danny and the whole team! We all love your work and I'm not ending my patreon anytime soon and will always try to support your crazy ideas, be it the great Summer Jam or some of your new docs or whatever you come up with next. :)


Definitely always go with the healthier option. You know you're prone to overworking so you will have to set some strict limits on how much you do and when you do it. Especially since you've noticed that doing way more doesn't necessarily change the amount of support you get.

Paul Puccio

Take care Danny, I'm not going anywhere.


Take care Danny and the whole Noclip gang. These times are definitely hard for many people and it is great to go the way that is the best for your mental health. Do what gives you energy and powers you, we will all stay here and will support you! You have incredible passion in what you do and even if it took a hit now, people can see that and I believe it will shine after all this more than ever! Sending all the strenght!


Thanks for being open and transparent. Please take it easy, Danny and team! You all are great and your work is fantastic in any form and at any cadence.

Gabriel Costa (Hired Sword)

Looking forward to what's to come and am completely satisfied with what you guys have already provided. Wishing you all the best with your mental health man, if you can stick to the Keto, I've been on it three years now and it definitely helped me in that area, let me know if you ever need any tips when it comes to that!


I don't plan on going anywhere either, the things you do really interest me. Thanks for being open about it, take it easy and trust your gut. Really excited about the new things in the pipeline :)

Adam McDermott

Take as much time off as you need, slow production to a crawl, you have already done so much you deserve to look after yourself first. On a practical side, perhaps take 4-6 weeks off in the year. Some individual weeks and 2-3 week vacation in the summer. Get out and about enjoying the sunshine and disconnect for a bit with your family. Life can't always be about output, also need time for input. Wishing you the best Danny. Whatever you decide to do, I'm not going anywhere.

Tony M

Sounds like I'm kinda in the same place as most everyone else here. Do what you need to do to stay safe and healthy. I'm in this for the long haul. I love watching the videos you put out, but I'm not throwing money at you because I want to see them more often, I'm here because I think whatever you produce is just awesome and I don't care how often something new comes around. (And, good job! Honestly, I just love your work. It makes me happy to see it.)

Morten Elgaard Pedersen

Hey Danny, good to hear you are taking steps to take care of yourself in these weird trying times. Always thought the noclip video's have been some of the best there is on delving deeper into games and the creators behind them, giving a more human face to the business. Keep up the good work, I'm definitely not going anywhere.


The reason I'm a supporter is because of the way you guys approach the films. However you choose to proceed is the right way, as far as I'm concerned.

Thomas Quillfeldt

Upping my contribution a bit. Feeling much the same way as Danny with work and family. If noclip didn't post another video for six months, I'd still be catching up on the docs and minidocs. So slowing down is totally fine by me!


Long term Noclip > short term Noclip. Do what you need to do and I am excited for the less often more in-depth stuff. I am reminded now of Dan Carlin's Hardcore History podcast. He puts out one or two episodes a year of about 3-4 hours in length. I put all my other media on hold when they come out because they are so good. I feel the same about the longer form stuff you guys have done in the past (the Half-Life and Bethesda docs, among others, come to mind). I like this shift in thinking, especially since, as you said, the more frequent videos don't seem to be growing Noclip. Cheers and keep being awesome!


Hey man, I think most people are here to "support the mission" so I wouldn't worry about losing supporters, I don't think most people here are as fickle as that, but I guess you never know. I think as long as you stay open and transparent most supporters won't have any issues.And as far as depression goes yeah I'm in the same boat, it's interesting you went the therapy route, I went the zoloft route, and that worked great for me, but i've heard anti depressants or therapy can have comparable effects. Also, have you thought of just posting some new console stuff on noclip? I really don't think anyone would have an issue with that. Just give it a special title like summer jam.


Thanks for doing such a great job! I will still remain a patreon, no matter how many docs you will produce. I am totally in for fewer and bigger docs. Take your time and also enjoy your family and hobbies!


We’re here to support your work Danny, however that looks. Do what you feel is best - if creativity wanes it doesn’t matter what format the content you’re producing is, it’ll suffer overall, so just do what you feel is best! Here to support regardless, love your work mate.


Bumped my contribution up to the next tier. Noclip's docs are legitimately my favorite games-focused content on the Internet. Production values are much higher than other similar work, the stories are more interesting and more complete, and you and your team are people worth supporting. I hope things turn around and some of that weight gets taken off your shoulders soon, Danny. Thanks for keeping us all entertained through the temporary end of the world.


Love your channel, honestly the best video game docs one can watch online! Going back to less but bigger docs? That is fine! Doing other stuff like reporting on the new consoles, industry issues etc? Also good! Make sure you do what you like and don’t burn out - I am sure with the quality of stuff you guys put out whatever direction you take the channel the audience will stay - or rather grow even bigger. Stay great & stay safe! Greetings from Czech Republic.


Love what you and the team have been doing Danny. I will continue to support you guys forever (one can hope right?) and look forward to your future work.


Best wishes to you all. You could produce one doc a year for all I care, I’d still support you!


Yeah, I'm here supporting ppl like you on this platform to get better quality content and help them lead a more balanced life. Do what you need to do, Danny!

Michael Fossbakk

Do whatever you feel is right for you and for Noclip. I think I speak for the Noclip Patrons when I say that we trust you to do what is right for Noclip, whether that is higher quantity or higher quality. You decide.

Josh LaBaw

Keep it up. Wishing all well. Looking forward to quality over quantity.

Felipe Rojo Liviero (71139834Y)

Danny & no clip team, just reading over the comments to your post, the feelings that you guys evoke are pure love/support and overwhelmingly appreciation and inspiration, and I 100% agree. Its tough times for all but for you its been especially difficult - hang in there and focus on what’s important (ie fam/friends and being a father/husband) and in what makes you happy which seems to be that lovely cycle of learning and creating. Keep your chin up and keep smiling brother, we love you and love pretty much everything you do.


I don't even know what all you promised to us Patreons, but to be honest, I don't even watch all of the content you put out. That's not a slight on your work at all. I just like to support someone who makes great docs on the game industry and treats the subject with importance and thoughtfulness.

Alex Vieira

there's a dishonored project coming!? I love that series, can't wait