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PRIVATE YOUTUBE LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxScdsBsSvU

Hey Patrons!

And so ends our first month of 2020 and our biggest month ever for documentary output (any probable traffic too). This month we published documentaries on Outer Wilds, Transistor & Gish, alongside multiple video podcasts with developers, a feature of the demons of DOOM (which was covered by dozens of news sites and has been viewed over half a million times already) and even managed to sneak a trip to Obsidian Entertainment to film a documentary on The Outer Worlds.

Noclip 2.0 and the studio set-up has totally changed the way we work. Even considering poor Jeremy was ill for a good two weeks of the month we still managed to produce more, and better, stuff than we've ever done before. This month will continue with more video podcasts and dives into games like Hades, Shovel Knight, Genital Jousting and more while we travel to Europe and Texas to film an exciting studio history-of doc you'll see in April.

In fact, we'll be filming a bunch of fun behind-the-scenes bits while we're there so expect those videos over the coming weeks. Because of Jeremy's illness, the January bonus podcast got pushed back a week so expect that next week (so two this month).

But anyway, you didn't come here to read so please enjoy this video recap of what happened in January, how we're working as a team, and all the fun stuff coming to patrons and freeloaders alike over the next few months, hah.

Have a good weekend. Happy February Noclippers! 



Noclip Behind the Scenes - January Was Our Best Month Ever!

In which Danny looks back on a crazy fun month, and ahead to our exciting new docs.


Simon D

OMG Arkane!!!!!??? Tell me you're going to be doing Dishonored. One of my favorite games series! Absolutely love the stuff in January. You are going from strength to strength. Congrats on taking the plunge with the studio. It is starting to look super professional.

Steve Dennis

Fantastic work this month Danny and crew :) the increased output has been really evident. Happy patron right here.

Landon Robinson

Great output guys. Loving the content from the studio. Feel better Jeremy 🙏

Rob Curran

You should most definitely pull a pint for Jeremy. I would hope that you will be doing a Cyberpunk 2077 doc after it comes out later this year. You seem to have a good history with CD Projekt Red now.

Clay A Binkley

Loaded month indeed, Danny. Glad you mentioned that it's safe to watch the Outer Wilds doc. Didn't want it spoiled.

Bavo Debraekeleer

Oh boy! It's been a while since you covered a game I'm personally a big fan of, but it sounds like it'll be coming in April! Are you planning on doing multiple on them or just one big one? And welcome to the Noclip crew Megan!


A meetup in Lyon? That's amazing, I live there :) Good stuff as always!

noclip (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-07 19:52:57 Yes! Let's do it!
2020-02-05 20:06:56 Yes! Let's do it!

Yes! Let's do it!