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While we continue to publish those GDC videos I've been living in an internet-free home surrounded by cardboard boxes about to be loaded onto a truck to California.

The move is well under way, but the work doesn't stop. Before we fly out of here on Saturday I'm spending three days covering and filming the work of The AbleGamers Charity at one of their expansion packs in Pittsburgh.

So, I know this is super last minute, but if you're around tomorrow from 7:30PM at The Commoner (620 William Penn Pl) come by and say hey. 

And unlike LeVeon-Bell I will actually turn up.


As for our long fated Maryland meetup 

My big problem from talking to patrons in the DMV area was figuring out a spot that worked for everyone. With all our moving and the two shoots this month I didn't have the time make it to Baltimore or DC. Also if I did, then folks from the other city would have missed out. And having it out near us in Annapolis would have sucked for anyone having to commute. 


There will be no last minute meetup at some random bar but I have a make-good that will end up in a better time for everyone. We're gonna workshop a Noclip event with your help and do a big Maryland Noclip Party that I decree will occur at some stage between this day and a year from now. We'll do it somewhere fun and accessible, and give everyone enough time to plan for it. Perhaps around MAGfest, or something of the sort. I'm open to anything. But we'll do it loud and proud and cover ourselves in Old Bay. I'm gonna miss Maryland, so what better way to make me feel better about leaving, than knowing I'll be coming back to hang out with friends real soon. I'm sorry I couldn't make it happen before now - but hopefully this will make up for it. 


I'll be posting some blogs this week, looking back our two years in MD and what to expect in Oakland. But honestly, I cannot tell you how excited I have for what's happening over there. Exciting doors are opening and we're going to basically re-launch a bunch of my old shows and streams, some crazy projects that really stretch our creative talents, not to mention our plans for this podcast.

More on that soon, but if you're in Pittsburgh tomorrow - come say hey!




Tohir Tillyaev

Love the idea of a Noclip party in DMV. Especially since I missed NYC one :)

Nick E

I live in the Cleveland area making it a mortal sin to go to Pittsburgh outside of sporting events or I'd come. It could also be that a 2 hour drive one way after work on a Wednesday would make my Thursday morning a hell at the office. Haha wish I could make it. Have a good time. Drink a pint for me. Thanks!


Hah! Well I hope your wife is feeling better mate! Sorry you couldn’t make it. We’ll hang out one of these days.


A local Noclip meetup and Lev Bell jokes. Count me in.


We’re sitting down at a table!


I'm so bummed I didn't check and missed this. Super sad face. Hope you had a good time. Next time