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Hey folks,

Last week the creators of whimsical life simulation Ooblets were subject to a torrent of harassment after they announced they had signed a deal with Epic to cover the cost of development in return for exclusivity on the Epic Game Store. Regardless of how you feel about the platform in question, the way in which certain elements within the gaming community responded is utterly defenceless. 

It also stands in opposition to everything Noclip stands for.

Noclip was started to create a bridge of empathy between devs & players. To help gamers understand the process of games creation and to consider that developers are people. By getting developers to open up about their process and allow players into their creative vision. But moments like this are a large part of why so many people leave development. Criticism and harassment have no common ground, and sadly too many people within the games community cannot seem to see where one begins and another ends - or perhaps they'd rather not know.

So how can we combat this negativity and help support these developers? Well, all I know is video, but it appears to be a pretty powerful form of communication. So I figured we could make a video of support to publish on the channel that might remind them (and other developers) that for every person harassing them there are hundreds more people pulling for them.

So if you like our work, appreciate devs and/or just want to push against the tide of negativity that too often plagues our community - take a minute to record a short message of support on your phone or camera and send it to: 


It can be as short as "Best of luck with the rest of development" or a few sentences about the game and what you like about it. But please send something positive, reaffirming, and powerful!  Feel free to attach to an email, use Dropbox, Google Drive or whatever works. 

And we don't just mean game players. We want messages from you developers too!

I'll edit all your messages into a big video-postcard of support for the devs which we'll publish publicly. Let's come together to remind developers that there are thousands of us who appreciate them and their work.  

If you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comments below. 

But please, don't just read this a move on with your day. Pick up your phone and record something. This is a real moment where we can come together to support developers and push back against the negativity that too often drives the conversation within out community. 

So please...


Thanks so much,





Thanks Danny. Whatever people's feelings about various storefronts, this kind of harassment is exactly what gives gaming a bad name.


This is a wonderful idea!

Charalampos Koundourakis

This is a great initiative (which will no doubt earn you some shouting from various people) and I will send my contribution as soon as I can!


I agree that they don't deserve all the hate that they get but the post they made about the exclusivity wasn't respectful to the players.

Shell Comics

Done! Just to be clear, the email address is 'postcards@noclip.video' yes?

Jazz Jackrabbit

Hey Danny, I would love it if you did either a video or maybe a podcast on the whole Epic Games exclusivity thing, ideally with some guests who can share their viewpoints. I feel like something like this is desperately needed at this moment in time so people can maybe get a better understanding.

Ronin Storm

So, I'm not going to make a video - just not something I'm personally comfortable with - but I'd be super happy to do something I could write down, even physically and then send as a picture of a thing, or just a paragraph of support. Would that be a format of thing that could be useful to this effort?

Christopher Kelly

It's a sad situation, it's terrible that they have become victim to such a torrent of abuse. Everyone saying it is justified because of their statement, communication via discord or anything else isn't really looking at the big picture. The tongue in cheek nature of the post is of course directed at their patrons, people who have followed them for months and know their sense of humour and share in it. Of course picking that statement out of context and planting right in the middle of all of the other corporations defending Epic exclusivity then it does come off as disrespectful. 99% of gamers didn't know about this game until a few days ago! Patrons haven't been promised any platform for release before now, they are just an indie dev working on a thing, and Epic came to them to help make the game and they thought that was awesome! Apart from the "baby gamers" comment, I think every bad response has been fabricated by the angry gamer mob. It's an awful situation and I hope this becomes a better situation for the devs soon. As Jazib said, I would love to hear more about Epic games exclusivity if you do more podcasts.


This, exactly. This is not a cut and dry situation, it's a controversy. Gamers are frustrated with EGS deals and this dev didn't make matters better with their behavior on blog and on discord. I would prefer Noclip staying away from controversies. At the end of the day, Danny's personal views may not be to everyone's liking.


Some of the reactions to the exclusivity deal have certainly been horrific and while I appreciate your gesture as such, I can't help but think that the developers in this case sit in a mess of their own making. The way they announced the deal was bound to cause controversy. Also, how they treated longtime supporters who are now unable to obtain the game in the foreseeable future due to the limitations of the Epic Store, was deplorable.


They absolutely have NOTHING to apologize for. All they did was use a tone of "hey everyone. You're all functioning adults. Do you really care so much about where you buy/play the game?". They were foolish enough to believe people will not send death threats, racist remarks, sexist remarks, just because of their choice of storefront. There is no equating or rationalizing here. If you hate EGS for whatever reason you tell yourself, don't buy the game. That's an adult reaction. Going on a post destined to offer support to the devs saying "I won't be offering support" is a questionable move though. There is no defending racism, toxicity, death and rape threats. And I loathe the double standard or critiquing those that take a stand against such behavior. There is nothing wrong with standing up to bigotry. They shouldn't need to apologize for defending their humanity against hate speech.

Maxwell Frattolin

That's really not what I was trying to say. I don't think they deserve any abuse or death threats. I just really don't agree with the lack of apology in case their words hurt someone.


You're good people, Danny.

Lucy Yearwood

I'm not one to put my face on the internet but if you did a digital card like the one for Jeremy then I'd be happy to contribute. But this is a great initiative. Let's combat those gamer bastards with some positivity


Honest question, what are the limitations you're talking about? Is EGS only available in certain countries or something?


I am sorry, but no. I was patreon of Noclip until now. I'm not a blood-mouthed guy on the internet who would hand out death-treats, and I do not support such behavior. But I also do not support devs who don't care about their fan-base and about gamers in general. These two devs are toxic and childish and they don't care about games or gamers. So I can't. Bye-bye Noclip, you should have stick to what you're great at. I really liked your shows, but I don't support people who support this Epic created mess,

Brandon K Gann

Hi Danny, I have a question: Because I'm not tech savvy in the slightest and can't figure out up from down in trying to record anything of any kind, I was curious if you were willing to take comments in written form, and selecting a few to read on video for the postcard? I know this is additional work for you and can understand if it's a no, but I would like to add my positive message, but don't have the technical know-how to do so. If you ARE willing to take a written message to read aloud, I will attach it below as a response to this comment. If not, you can simply ignore it. Regardless of your answer, thanks for taking the time to read this if you do and much more importantly, thank you for rallying your fanbase to combat toxicity. The world desperately need it. Thanks again and have a wonderful rest of your day! P.S. Just finished the Hitman docs and once again kudos to the entire team!

Brandon K Gann

To every person working on and contributing to Ooblets: I know negativity, hatred, and outright monstrous behavior always seem to be the things that stick out the most because we as humans, for some bizarre reason, default in focusing on that over the positive stuff, but I just wanted to say that those who choose to act in the wrong are never worth the time given to acknowledge that hatred. I do not game on PC so as long as the Epic Games Store has been a thing, I never understood why its such a problem for people to go to somewhere that isn't Steam. Because of this lack of knowledge/experience/etc., I'm fully aware the bias I hold in the position of it not being a big deal. As developers, you made the best decision for you, to continue to live your dreams the best way you could, and because of this, people are throwing childish temper-tantrums just because you are not acquiescing to how they want things. I'm aware it's so hollow to hear the words from someone whom you've never met, and probably never meet, say to focus on all THESE comments instead of the death threats, the harassment, and otherwise general horrible childish fits. Easy for me to say, as I have not experienced what you've been going through. But, and I can NOT stress this enough, there are people out here who support you, want you to succeed as much as possible, and do it in the way you want without ever even having heard of you prior to this incident. Because at the end of the day, it's the people who will buy your game because you made a fun and interesting thing that looks cool who will be there for you, not the horrible excuses for humans who all they want to do is be the worst, throwing out their insults because they know they can hide and there's little anyone can do to prevent them, then move on to the next person unfortunate enough to receive their vitriol because you didn't lower yourselves to their level. No matter what, you made the best choice, not because EPIC is better than Steam, or it may give you more exposure, but because doing what you love for the enjoyment of those who respect you as people first for as long as possible is what makes the long hours and dedication worth it. Keep at it, don't let evil get you down, and know no matter much hate you get, know you're instantly a lot better off than they will ever be.


I am mostly sad that its more or less impossible to write a criticism of the Ooblet devs at this point in time, without being thrown in the same box as the people outthere that have sent threats or harassed the devs. That being said, I personally don't think the situation is as clear-cut as Danny presents it, and I don't want to provide financial means to produce a video furthering what I think have turned into a marketing stunt of enormous proportions, so I will pause my patronage of NoClip for the time being, even though i've loved almost every video produced until now. And it's not that i'm angry about the EGS exclusivity directly, I can fully understand why a small team grabs at that possiblity, its more that I feel that they do not respect their customers, us, the gamers, and I will not partake in anything that somehow excuses or pardons the way they have communicated with the persons that under normal circumstances would be the ones paying their salary. I'm hoping that the NoClip crew are willing to take a step or two back, and look at the slightly bigger picture.

Ethan Hunt

Hi Danny, when do we have until to get these sent through? I'm gonna film mine by my webcam tomorrow night


I just don't understand the pure hate and vitroil coming from (certain segments of) the gaming community, I'll try and record something because Ooblets is a game I've been looking forward to for an amazingly long time but I don't know how I can counter something I fundamentally don't understand.


Also dismayed to see an apparent fan of NoClip supporting this type of abuse. I've always made an assumption that the creators I support as well as others that support them have something in common, that we can all get behind a good, positive cause, because that's something that draws me into certain communities, like Giant Bomb. But seeing communities I'm part of (including GB) turn sour makes me feel afraid and unable to trust those around me, extremely disappointing.

Theron Miles

Awesome work Danny. Much respect.


Is it a pain to buy the game? Why? Is it a pain to buy multiple games? Why? Is it a pain to buy add-ons/DLC for the game? Why? Is it a pain to apply add-ons/DLC once purchased? Why? Is it a pain to run the game? Why? Can you play with friends? Is it a pain to play with friends? Why? I dont care about exclusivity. If the EGS does what you would expect it to do, then its just another launcher on your hard drive. The difference between the EGS and every other launcher is more or less what these questions are asking. I don't play fortnite and the only reason I have EGS installed is because they gave out Shadow Complex for free. Before it was the EGS it was the Epic Games Launcher, once all the fortnite money came pouring in they turned it into the Epic Games Store, and spent money on getting people on board by incentivizing why you should go with them. But instead of building their library of exclusives they should also build their library of features along side. As long as they keep making the EGS something worth having installed even more so than just having access to your games then cool another launcher to take up space I guess.

Clay A Binkley

Ahhh Shadow Complex... wish Epic never bought Chair. Don't know much about Ooblets. Not my kinda game. Sorry the Internet was the Internet to you. Hopefully the ESA didn't leak any of your addresses.


shitty company makes shitty statement, said company is surprised when the children can't behave themselves, said company stirs the pot even more because hell why not.... and now because you have personal biases we have this post, which is going to anger even more people. what a mess.

Jan Klass

Their announcement was well written in the first part, but derailed, and especially so in followup comments by them, into a dismissive, toxic tone insulting their very fans that supported them with money to keep their development going. That’s not acceptable. Neither is harassment and stuff, but I will not publicly announce I support them. They fucked up just as much and made it clear they do not care for reasonable and fair criticism or their fans in general. It seems they want an echo chamber for consumers, and nothing else. Sadly, everyone reasonable in between is the one hurt and powerless - the fans that got invested, that care. That articulated reasonable criticism and were labeled entitled babies. Fuck the harassers, but also, fuck those ignorant fools as well.


I don't like EGS, and tbh I didn't like their statement about joining it either, but man some of the stuff I've read. They don't deserve the harassment. So I won't buy the game on EGS, but I will send my video in. No one deserves death or rape threats. Just no. We can discuss, no need for threats.


Hello, Hum... I agree on principle that harassement and threats should never be tolerated, but what about the highly condescending blog post and Discord messages the devs in question are responsible for that started the whole "attack" ? It doesn't excuse anything from the people attacking them, but surely those devs are at least partly responsible for what happened given how they handled the situation. In fact, it is my belief that everyone is responsible for everything that happens to them to an extent. It's only by recognising that part of responsability in how your life plays out that you can learn from it and grow as a person. If it's always the others' fault, why bother self-reflecting ? I know your endeavour is a hearfelt one and that you want to do what you see as the right thing to do in this situation, but I fear that if you release a video totally biased towards the developers in this particular instance, you will rob them of that potential for growth. They have my support for the attacks and threats they received as well as the Epic deal they struck which is a godsent for small studios, but I will never stand behind the statements they released as it would be intellectually dishonest for me to not apply the same level of scrutiny to both sides of the argument.


I’ll preface by saying that I agree on those points: - “Expecting the Internet to be assholes doesn't justify the Internet being assholes.” – If you look at the Discord messages, they were happy about the reaction they stirred on principle, they just didn’t expect it to be THAT vitriolic. They should have seen it coming, that’s a fact, because they did, but it doesn’t excuse anything on the attackers part - “The developers have a right to accept funding in exchange for exclusivity” – Of course, nobody is arguing against that. Just like Lootboxes and Microtransactions at the moment, it’s in the morality of the endeavour that the debate lies, not its legality. - “I'd like to live in a world where the conversation is less heated, people are not so personally affronted by mundane decisions, and people can make choices to positively impact their livelihood without feeling like their doing so will put them in harm's way.” – I agree, but human nature isn't that easy to deal with Now onto my issues with your comment [...]


I'm sorry, but it's hard to support those, who throw their patrons under the bus, and claiming they're entitled, and they don't need your money anymore.


Hey Danny. I have been a fan of your reporting for at least ten years, and i have never paid anything for it. I want you to grow, and i want you to be as neutral as you can. You have my 5 bucks :) + For the Doom doc.