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Welcome to the NoClip Report our monthly breakdown of everything that we did last month and what to expect as a patron and fan next month. Compiled by Frank, written by Danny.

July was busy, eh?

Some months are shoot months, and some months are edit months. July was kind of both as we published our documentary on E3, and flew to Copenhagen to film our doc on Hitman & IO Interactive. A lot of work went into turning around that project pretty quickly and so we had the first two videos up at the end of July, with the final two going up at the start of August. Not only that but Jeremy turned around from the Copenhagen trip to fly to the south of England and film our documentary on Creative Assembly with the help of Chris Bratt

Alongside that we ran our first six Twitch streams - myself and Frank hosting them together or as a tag-team while I was away on shoots. It was great to be able to pop into the livestream while on location in Copenhagen. While the consistent, weekly nature of it has created a great hub for our community to come together every week. We've got a bunch of top-class emojis for the Twitch chat (and discord) being made by one of the best in the business so look out for those soon. All in all, it's been a real busy time of late so a huge thanks to everyone on the team for their work.

Our patronage is basically holding steady month over month. In that we grow a bunch throughout the month and then lose about the same at the start of the next month. This month has seen a net loss of 39 Patrons and -$46 over the previous month. Once the Hitman series is over we're going to be releasing a trailer with our "top 3" reasons to become a patron of Noclip. This is the start of a wider strategy to drive more patronage in the lead up to our third birthday in September. 

Lastly, we will be at PAX and in a big way too. We have a Noclip Panel on Sunday, September 1st at 11:30am in the Hydra Theatre. Plus we're going to have a table at Bandland all expo long so if you want to come and say hey, buy a sticker or tell us what docs to do next - please do! Expect more info on that in the coming weeks.

That's it for now. For those of you who missed all our work last month, enjoy these delicious hyperlinks below.

Thank you so much for your support!

Noclip July Highlights:

Twitch Streams: 

Patron-Exclusive Videos

Social Media / Promo Highlights

Work made by our Community
Our community is full of talented people and with the help of our "Share Your Work" discord channel we've collated a bunch of the highlights to share with you all. Make sure to check these out and support friends of Noclip and your fellow community members.

What's coming in August?

  • Concluding our Hitman series
  • New "Top 3 Reasons" Patreon Trailer
  • Weekly twitch streams
  • GDC Sessions Return
  • Noclip @ PAX West
  • Maybe some more Hitman stuff as people keep asking...

How to Support us this month...

That's our report for this month folks. We hope you're enjoying your summers - or winters I guess to all our friends on the flip-side. If you have any questions about the above or anything else please stick them in the comments below.




Dan Silverstone

Your work's ace guys and I wish I had more time to binge watch the lot. Got a few of the recent ones to watch so will get through them asap. Podcasts are ace too. Will there be more added to Spotify?

Dan Silverstone

In other news, if you need any motion graphics, just shout. I'd be more than happy to help out 👍🏽 - www.pica.me.uk x


Thanks so much! Yeah we've actually got a big change coming to the podcast but not for a month or two. So keep your ears peeled, as it were!


Forgot to mention I (Danny) will also be hosting the Supergiant panel at PAX https://west.paxsite.com/schedule/panel/from-bastion-to-hades-10-years-of-supergiant-games

Bavo Debraekeleer

Now that you're gonna have a table at PAX to sell merch, I was wondering how the merch sales are doing? Are those contributing much?


As a new patron all I can say is you guys do amazing work, I love the content and care with which you make your documentaries. I won’t be going anywhere

Ian McGarr

Doing the Irish proud, those Hitman docs were fucking ACE, next up Tomb Raider some time?