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PATRON ONLY LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1uivN-dCcg

E3 rests for no man!

After two days of  lying in bed trying not to think about food, I was finally recovered enough to join Jeremy on the show floor today. So what better way to test my body's ability to do basic tasks then by taking a go at a carnival ride at the Fortnite booth? We also interviewed a bunch of developers and press people but you'll have to wait for the doc to see those.

No Danny's were harmed in the production of this video.

(thanks for all the well wishes, I'm doing great and - this aside - taking care of myself)



E3 2019 VLOG #04: Danny vs The Fortnite Booth

what better way to recover from two days of food-poisoning related bed-rest?



Good to see you back on your feet... If only briefly!

Bavo Debraekeleer

Great to hear! Haha, I'm just eating my lunch and laughed so hard with this vlog, made my day! X'D

Charalampos Koundourakis

Because obviously, the first thing you do after food poisoning is an extreme physical challenge. Brave. :)

Christopher Kelly

These vlogs have been a rollercoaster of emotions for e3 coverage - excitement, calm, sickness and joy - good to see you looking better Danny!


"No Danny's were harmed" xD

Rob Curran

You need to hydrate more Danny.