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Hey Patrons,

Happy June - we've got a bust month coming up with our doc on E3, interviews from games at the show (don't worry, we got a Cyberpunk interview) and loads more goodies from our GDC trip. 

But first of all...

For the past few months I've been trying to figure out how to get the most out of Noclip. How to super-charge our growing fan-base and add some fuel to our patron community. The fact is that I am totally wiped-out with the amount of work in front of me. When I'm not editing I'm emailing people, running the Patreon, doing our social media stuff, creating budgets, paying our contractors, booking flights, moderating YouTube and occasionally, sometimes, squeezing in a game (Outer Wilds is really good!).  We have so much potential with Noclip, and while I get the impression you think I'm doing a good job, from my perspective it feels like I'm swimming against the current a lot of the time. 

This isn't sustainable. So I'm asking for help!

There are some changes coming to Noclip in the coming months. New tiers, a new home, exciting new ventures and more of the retrospective docs you love. But before any of that can comes, I want to supercharge the most important element of Noclip; our community.

Without our community on Patreon, none of this would be possible. Without our community of viewers on YouTube, we couldn't grow. And without the community of developers out there willing to talk to us, well, Jeremy would have nobody to point a camera at it. It would be weird.

Noclip has become a voice within the world of gaming - and quite frankly - I need help in harnessing the power of that voice. I need somebody to take a bunch of work off my plate, and help organize and realize my dreams for this community because right now the extra 25% of work that I can't handle is also slowing down the 100% that I need to get done every month. 

So, what's the gig?

Well, first of all of course it is paid but remote, contract work. The scope of the job is pretty malleable so exact pay will depend on your skills and what the position ends up being. What I can say is that we always pay fairly, and on time.

Essentially I am looking for somebody who can help with by doing things like...

  • Help Develop & Implement Community Strategies for Patreon & YouTube 
  • Help  Develop & Produce Community Content for Patreon & YouTube
  • Run Community Game Nights (that I could attend please)
  • Run the Discord & Keeping it Fresh & Active
  • Curate Feedback from our Patrons for Shows / Posts
  • Introduce fresh ideas to make Noclip a fun and vibrant community to be a part of.
  • Give me the space to focus on hosting more videos & podcasts xxx

It would be a huge bonus if that person could also do things like;

  • Help with social media strategy.
  • Edit social videos 
  • Edit / host other stuff from time to time.
  • Have other creative / technical skills we could utilize.
  • Help grow r/noclip 

In an ideal world this person would have some proven experience growing a community, be passionate about our mission, and be super hungry to apply themselves to the role. I have a preference for North American candidates as it would make it much easier to get that person involved in stuff in real-life, but it's not essential. 

Noclip has always been about quality, not quantity. And while growth is really important for many channels and businesses, I also want to focus on enriching this community and making it a one-of-a-kind hub for people who care about this type of work. I also want to focus on the stuff that our community cares about, and the ideal person would be able to help me better attune myself to the needs of the community. The right candidate will wear multiple hats, be passionate, focused and in time force me to give them more hours and pay because we couldn't possibly run this thing without them.

I may eventually open this up to the public, and I'm also reaching out to friends of mine across the industry for guidance - but if that person could be somebody from within our Patron community - that would be amazing.  If you have a friend you'd like to suggest this role to, feel free to copy and past this post and send it to them. 

I'm also not against splitting this role into two or more if we get a broad range of people who are interested in helping in different ways. So if you think you can do one of these jobs really well, let us know.

Where do I apply?

Introduce yourself in the comments below, and shoot me an email via:

Let me know... 

  • who you are, and what you do
  • what you'd bring to the role
  • ideas you have to enrich our community
  • examples of your experience 
  • the type of stuff (work / hobbies) that get you excited.

A warning in advance, I'll do my best to respond to people, but I cannot guarantee I'll get back to everyone. I get dozens of emails about work every month and just can't spend the time responding. But rest assured I'll be considered and thoughtful with every submission.

Cool. That's it for now! Let's see what happens!

Running Noclip continues to be the greatest privilege of my life, but I do need help. If you like what we do, would enjoy helping out, and have ideas about how to supercharge our community - please get in touch.

And don't worry, I'll keep the rest of you all updated on our progress. I doubt it'll be a full on "America's Got Talent" reality show situation, but who knows, hah!

I'm excited to hear from you. Let's grow this thing!





Excited to apply!

Gabriel Costa (Hired Sword)

I wish I had the time and experience to do this as I would love to work on something I'm passionate about like this. That being said if some time opens up in the future and I could do one of the smaller roles I'll let you know. Best of luck finding someone to help!

Nick Grugin

I sent this on to Becky, a friend of mine.


Hi Danny! This position sounds awesome and I think I know someone that would be perfect for it! Do you have an indication as to whether this would be closer to a full time or a part time position - about how many hours a week would it be?

Frank Howley

Thanks Danny! I'm Frank Howley, a video producer and supporter of NoClip since day 1. I submitted my message through the contact form. You can also find me on https://twitter.com/frankhowley or https://www.youtube.com/frankhowley. Any opportunity to get involved with NoClip is exciting, I love that the network is growing!


Hey Tara - thanks for the question. It's definitely a part-time, contract position. Likely starting off with something like 5-10 hours a week. We're still trying to figure out exactly what the gig would be. It could possible be more than one position too. Sorry to be so vague, but I want the role to work organically with the skills and needs of the applicant, as well as our needs. Hope this helps, thanks again!


Hey, I’m Sam Walton (Scruffee on Discord)! I’ve been a patron since DOOM and would love to utilise my community management experience to help support and grow Noclip. My email ended up being _pretty_ long, but hoping to hear back from you!


Hi Dan! We've talked very briefily before, so i don't think i had the chance to introduce myself properly. I started following your work while trying to satiate my curiosty about gaming development in general. I really wanted to be a part of a platform that gave voice to developers and shed some light upon their stories, that's why i decided to support your content in the first place. But there's a lot more i would love to share with you, from my own professional experience, set of skills and especially where do i come from, meaning i look forward to see what will come from this. I'll start by sending the e-mail then, see you there!


Hey Danny. You and I know each other. And, I imagine, some folks in your community know me as well.


Hey Danny! I'm John – researcher/writer/editor/voiceover-er(?) of Make Stuff vids, and co-host/producer of a couple'a podcasts! I've been working like crazy for the last two years to cultivate the **amazingly** positive and diverse Make Stuff community over on the YT channel and the Patreon, and definitely think I have some cool stuff to offer the Noclip community. Email incoming :D


Sounds cool, but I don't have time for a part time gig in addition to my full time one, but if you need and Admin for a facebook group I have some experience with that as an Admin in for the Kinda Funny group, and would be happy to team up with whoever you do hire on that.


Hi Danny! This is Nathan Tamplen. I am passionate about games. I have been working as a major volunteer at satellite gaming for about 2 years. Satellite gaming is all about building relationships through videogames to eventually lead people to jesus. Super excited for this potential opening, and am very young, and hungry to work, and grow this community. I have a lot of experience with hands on community building within the videogames community. I love games, and if I could help expand your community it would make me extremely happy. I will shoot an email your way. P.S. I wasn't sure if you wanted us to go inquire about the job very much because the link explicitly says no resumes, or job inquiries. If you could clarify that it would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Josh Squires

Hi Danny, I'm a graphic designer with a professional background working on marketing and social media strategies, and volunteer experience moderating and organizing various gaming focused communities. The stories that Noclip tells are important, and I would love the opportunity let you focus on telling them, while cultivating the audience. I've sent a more detailed description of what I could bring to the role via the contact form. Hope to talk further in the future - Josh


Hi Danny! I’m Axel -- journalist, video producer, and longtime fan of yours! I’ve spent the past 1.5+ years working at NBC, doing all types of stuff for their news and entertainment divisions. You can check out my personal site, axelboada.com, to learn more. I’ll also be sending you an email shortly. Thanks!


Hey Danny. Excited for the expansion of Noclip! Extremely passionate about games and would love the opportunity to help Noclip grow and engage with the community. Email sent.


Hello! Email sent. I'm a community manager, digital project manager, editorial producer, and video editor with about 10 years of experience in the digital media and community organizing world. Would love to talk to y'all more about the role. I'm geekin' out even just at the chance to apply to this. :)


Hi Dany, Drew Roller from Melbourne Australia here - producer of GoldenEra. Very interested in this opportunity as it ties in with pretty much everything I've done over the last 5 years. I will hit you up on the email.

Rob Curran

As much as I would like to work with you I am not what you need. But if you ever get hungry... I'm your man

Jakob Soto

Hello Danny, this is Jakob Soto. I don't have any professional experience to offer however I would love to volunteer as an assistant to a Community Manager. I am sending you an e-mail right after this with more details.