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Hey Patrons!

When the discussion over Sekiro, easy modes & accessibility kicked off a few weeks ago, I knew exactly the person I'd want to ask about it. 

Clint Stewart lost one of his arms in accident seven years ago but that didn't stop him playing the games he loves. With the help of proprietary hardware and some neat software solutions, Clint plays most of the same games he played before the accident - including the Dark Souls series with which he has a deep passion for. 

In this episode I talk to Clint about his time playing Sekiro, his experience playing games in general and his view of video game "easy" modes.

Hope you enjoy it!




Brandon K Gann

This was very helpful in helping me gain some perspective. Many thanks to both yourself and especially Mr. Steward for doing this!


This isn’t appearing on the early access feed on iTunes for me but is now on the regular one. Anyone else having this problem?


Anyone have an idea of where Noclip gets all their music? I love the vibe.