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YOUTUBE LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpBXy7A7GxU

Hey Early Access Patrons!

This is probably the earliest we've given access to one of our docs pre-release but I wanted to do it for two reasons. First, to thank you all for allowing us to work on it for a little longer than we usually do. And secondly, because this video is one hour and forty seven minutes long so you'll likely need all weekend to find a slot to squeeze it in.

The documentary dives into the design of Half-Life, Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike, Black Mesa Source, Project Borealis and a number of other projects. But aside from that it's a look at the influence of the game on designers, and an analysis of the transition of ownership that has happened over the past ten years. It features interviews with a number of industry luminaries, and some wonderful people you may or may not have heard from before.

I'm really proud of this one. It feels more like an actual documentary than anything we've ever done before, and I'm just happy that I got to make a film about my favorite video game. I hope fans of the game enjoy it and those unfamiliar with the series come to understand why it's so influential.

If you have any notes or spot and issues in the video I'd love to hear about them too. I may tweak some elements today as I prepare for Monday's launch. So please share them in the comments if you have them.

Enjoy the show!


NOTE: As this is the earliest we've given early access to a project of this scope in a while, I will be keeping an eye on the views and killing the video if it leaks. If that happens expect a new link to appear a few hours later. It hasn't happened yet but you never know if somebody will sign up to snipe the link. Just wanted to be clear up front.


[Early Access Patron Version] Half-Life Documentary

Enjoy :)


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