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Hey everyone,

So you may have missed it if you don't follow me on social media (can't blame you) but last week, the night after our first day of GDC filming, I had to go to the ER to deal with some horrendous abdominal pain that had been bothering me intermittently for a few days. It was a rough time as the hospital but long story short I am back at home now, enjoying bed rest on some pretty heavy painkillers, waiting a date for surgery. It's nothing too serious and by the looks of things recovery shouldn't take too long.

The timing was pretty rough thought. We had to cancel 2 days of interviews at GDC which has some wonderful people. I've also had to postpone the two week European trip which was a blow to our plans for the Q2 editing pipeline. It also means I'll miss Easter with my parents which I'm quite disappointed about.

I guess it could have been worse - this could have happened while I was mid flight to Stockholm. At least I'm at home surrounded by family and my daughter keeps making me Pokemon art to make me feel better. Check out the googly-eyes. Inspired!

Once I'm done with surgery we're going to re-organize those European shoots, and maybe optimize them a bit more. We are also in talks with everyone from the GDC days about doing follow-ups (possibly remote) soon. We have enough stuff in the edit room already.

Jeremy came by yesterday and let me know him and Jesse were already brainstorming stuff to get under way while I'm our of commission. And Frank just got back from Japan and is likely eager to share all of that on next week's podcast. We'll be dropping our Pentiment documentary next week too. So content will continue to be contented.

It's just a short update here as I have limited energy. It's not lost on me that my current health predicament is likely somewhat related to overworking so I'm going to try and take care of myself for the next few weeks. It's hard when you love your work so much and it's only a few steps away at any time - but if my body is telling me things I should probably stop being so stubborn and give it a listen.

Thank you all for your incredibly support of Noclip, and for the kind messages many of you have sent me over the past few days. I'll give you an update once I'm on the other side of surgery but for the moment assume that I'm in bed on painkillers playing Balatro.

Love you all.



Matt T

Get well soon Danny!


Damn dude, hope you're able to get some deserved rest and recover.

Hunter Burk

Take care of yourself and get well soon, Danny! Your health is the most important thing.

Kl S

You fucking rock and you take care.

Sarah M

You're probably already on the mend but wishing you a speedy recovery. Take care of yourself.


Thanks for the update fella. Have speedy recovery and try to not have those silly evil looking Pikachus chase you around too much. :)

Thomas Quillfeldt

Take it with ease Danny, hope recovery is swift.