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Hi everyone!! Thank you so much for all of your support and for being so wonderful. Thank you for believing in me and appreciating my content, and most of all being patient with me! I appreciate you all so much. I just wanted to give a little update on stuff! I know I haven't been posting as many MMD content but things have been really hectic and stressful lately. I have some updates though! We're working on blender rendering in the future which means higher quality videos and pictures and lots of cool effects! (including some really neat nsfw stuff 👀) I'm also sorry for the lack of NSFW model pictures, I had issues with the last one being updated for the new model, but I'm getting a new one made that should be done soon! Thank you for your patience and enjoying my stream content and supporting me even while not having as much of this other content lately!

Reminder that I'm active on the Discord and that we have a great community there and would love to have you if you aren't there already! :D



Thank you for the update, Silver. I am sorry things have been rough. But we are here to support you and your content, and even if there's a delay in them we understand when you say that things have been hectic. Nothing but deep breaths and letting things take the time they take; we know you care a lot about us and want nothing but the best for us, and the same goes for you. We want you to be okay. You're the best, Silver!


We understand Silver life is hard you are the best cute hard working wolf waifu


You don’t need to apologize for not posting, we understand if things have been rough. You work really super hard and it shows in how good everything you do is! We’ll always be here and we love you.

Ani teku



we are always here for you Silvy, hope things die down a bit so you can breath and get back to some awesome content

Sombre-Titan Noir01

I understand. I think I'll take another 2 weeks or more to complete my NSFW persona too. It's really a lot of investment.