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I know we don't usually do thank you videos for Diamond tier, but I really wanted to express how much I appreciate and love you guys. I was just feeling extra sappy and emotional. ;-;

I wish I could explain how much you mean to me, but just know that I think about you every day, and I'm really honored to be your friend.



Check out this video on Streamable using your phone, tablet or desktop.



Thanks silver keep being your self and we will always love you.


We are honored to be your friends too Silver


*huggu-snuggus and forehead kissu* you are the sweetest sweetie and I am super-glads we are friends!!


I'm glad to be your friend too Silver, I know I'm still kinda new and still kind of an outlier, not spending as much time in your discord as others. Kind of a random background character in all this. BUT, at least for a month I wanted to show that, your hard work and effort and overall just being a pretty great person is worthwhile. I know this won't last on my budget for very long, but you deserve it.


As a fellow new bcakground character, I am also glad to have found you and wanted to reward that.


New here but thanks for being awesome, you keep being you. :D


well im new to this community, but you seem awesome and im glad to be here supporting you


You're very welcome, Silver πŸ˜‰

Craig Evans

This is soooo adorable