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Can you believe its christmas eve already?? and what better way to get that cream ready than to get some fresh hen tai to f ap to???

Thats right, firebox has been cooking and made some amaaaazing stuff just for u guys!! i can never get over firebox's stuff, it seriously gets me wetter than... than.. well it just gets me soaked, trust me!!1!

TOMORROW i also have something brand new cumin for u guys, so make sure u go to sleep quick tonight so u dont walk  in on santa melly slippin under the tree ;3 [jk its dropping at 5pm ct so like. dont worry about sleeping too early lol] 



Sammy the Slammer

A small computer waifu in nothing but a ribbon under the tree is my dream

James Lasseigne

Absolutely gorgeous, tysm Melly <3


What a nice Present~


Cumin? You making a dish?


Wish I could have a present as amazing as that...🔥🥵🥞🥯❤️