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it's getting a little steamy in here. i probably should've made the bath lukewarm but i like it hot, can yiu blame me? how's youe Tuesday going? are u dirty? do yiu need hop in with me?? ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)



Remix Kun

You got two nice sponges right there to scrub us with so yes plz 👀🙏

James Lasseigne

Incredibly tempting Mel, I could definitely use some stress relief after a long day 😘


We can tell by your blush that A) it's hot and B) you wouldn't have it any other way. Absolutely would join


I could really use the soak Mel, If you scrub mine I'll scrub yours. 💜


I love hot baths and showers, I would love to steam it up with you in a Hot Shower Mel.


You're the one making the room steamy Mel, so hot you're boiling the tub. May want to check your liquid cooling, I can flush it out for you.

Glasses Character

I think my Tuesday would have gone much better if I could have shared the bath


Sure, I'll get my box fan and blow away all that pesky steam that's obscuring the view :P