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Melware is always being so mean to me!!! i still can't forgive her from that time she shrunk me down so I was smaller than her and played with me with that giant toy >:c but i will say, it did feel really good... (>人<) Do you remember this one?? i was sore for days... but it was pretty good though... ughhhh i just can't stand how good she makes me feel, it's so unfair!




Where’s the video Lol


i do remember that one twas a good one


Ah, I remember. that was a good video. I bet we all wish we could have our own pocket Mel. also, it's funny to think you can become even shorter somehow fufufu.


Great classic 🤤


unfair you say, hmmm, you don't seem very outraged about it. You seem quiet content to stand there and take it... I wonder why.


For real, I've not seen this one. Does anyone have the date that this video was posted, so I can scroll through the patreon and find it?

Remix Kun

Twas a very very hot set


That was always one of my favorites, too. (Even bought it again elsewhere to show it). I'd love to see more like that sometime! Maybe with a pocket-Mel or a tiny Melware being bad (and punished).


Melware does like to have her way, but you do seem to enjoy it Melly.