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The turnout was great! I couldn't believe how many ppl were willing to jump platforms just to hang with me!!! ♡ ♡ ♡

I planned for hopefully a big room, so I got Vimeo's highest package to support everyone without crashing or lag! But it didn't help... chat was awful (had to switch discord), a lot of ppl had to refresh every 15-30 seconds, and most ppl had to downgrade video quality to the lowest setting to see me move. (I'm torn up about it) :,(

Luckily tho, my personal website is being built as I write this! So this won't be an issue soon enough. :prays

Many other ppl also had it mostly work for them, so I'm staying on their platform until my website is finished and i will post the recordings here.

Next month will have 2 password shows.

I got hella complaints about the lack of sexual activity. I was having issues with my toys. And yesterday two of died on cam, do to general overuse


Again.... I feel terrible for those of you who experienced tech issues.



Please don’t feel bad! Take your time homie. You’re doing awesome :)


Just chillin and chatting with you is good, sexual activity isnt a must


Don't worry melody we understand but I'm glad to see that you really care lots of other can girls would just tell us to get over it so I'm happy to support such an amazing tuber


I had a good time despite the tech issues. Please don't feel too bad.


WHO THE FUCK WAS COMPLAINING ABOUT LACK OF SEXUAL ACTIVITY!!! I like how much easier it is just to chat with you (mostly xD) in those streams and the sneak peeks.

Sinister Sable

honestly the lack of sexual content didn't bother me and if she has to stay on vimeo until her website's finished I don't care.


Real fans don’t complain. We love spending time with you. Hearing your laugh and the Baka-Brained thing you say is enough for Real Fans. Remember: DIO loves you just the way you are.


The fun was had and the teases were plentiful. Keep working hard it shows, we are with ya always


Yesterday's stream was awesome just as it was, Mel. I hope you dont pay too much attention to the complaining :D


Aside from Vimeo being trashy and laggy as heck. I've no other complains to make. Just hanging out and chilling is plenty. Who the heck bitched about no sexy activity? Y'all need a chill pill.


Dont worry! It was a fun stream anyways. Seeing some of the stuff you're working on only makes me more excited to see what you have in store for us in the future!


It is cool that you are building your own website and platform, I can wait to see it.


Errors are common for Ver.1 CPUs. I'm sure you'll find the bugs and deal with them. As well as find great Add-ons to include your platform. You have my support and my good hope ☺


It was my first pw show and after the rocky start I really enjoyed it, exactly what I’d hoped for! Thanks for the great stream Mel and can’t wait to see your new site!


It is ok melody it was a fun stream dispute the technical issues and to see you tease some of the stuff you have been working on was great.


Who THE FUCK has the nerve to complain?! From what I saw it was a great stream! Keep doing what you’re doin Mel!


Are all future password shows going to be posted for those of us that can't make them?

Rose Azmir

Even if I did have some tech issues it was an absolute blast just watching you, so take your time will all be here waiting.

Daniel Wymbs

WHo the hell is complaining? I mean... I am, but that's because I missed the show XD Look, you keep doing what you're doing, continue evolving the tech and how it's utilized, and we'll be hear to gobble up the content.


I like chill streams as much as nsfw streams. Patreon is not an obligation but a way for fans to support creators. Don't feel compelled to push yourself for someone else's misconception. Loved yesterday Mel, pickled stream warts and all <3 :)


There’s two types of fans, fans of Mel the person and fans of Mel the content. I know who i personally think are the better fans to have.


No worries Mel, despite the issues it was fun! Enjoyed just hanging with you and seeing some of the things you have in store! Keep up the great work and can't wait to see the site! :heart:


It's all a learning experience and meeting the demands of thousands of people so suddenly is extremely difficult. When it comes to someone that was just thrown into popularity all of a sudden, you're doing everything you can in order to provide for your community and that's all we can realistically ask for. Keep doing your best, Mel! Everything will be figured out in due time!


Thank you for posting a recording of this stream. I wasn't able to join when it happened. Watched the whole thing. You are so much fun and your laugh gives me life. Hopefully I'll be able to catch the next one live.


Thanks for the stream and hanging out with us Mel! I stayed on the whole time (once Vimeo started working) and just enjoyed listening in and watching the chat. I hope I can catch one of your Twitch streams too in the near future!


Don’t worry too much Mel, we love you for you, and despite vimeo crashing for me a couple times (lol) I had a great time hanging with you <3


Dont stress it Mel it was still great fun just the same, keep up the good work!


Keep it up Mel! We stayed with you in the great times and we will still be here in the rough times!


It's all good Mel, you cant control how 3rd party systems can't handle the science team, or they way your poor toys work lord knows they weren't built for 3hours of work almost daily


Honestly it was a good test, was difficult at the start, but we still got a stream. I like my NSFW as much as the next person, but honestly being able to just chill and talk with both you and others was refreshing. Mel please do not feel that you've let us down with this one moment. You're still growing and learning. There will be times not everyone will be happy, you can only do the best you can. You've got great people behind you (the mods were true MVPs) and the science team will always have your back (even the silent ones like myself). Just take your time and go with what your heart tells you. Apologies for this being so long, but, all in all just thank you for everything you do. Cheers to you our Adorkable Pickle Mel.


I'm glad it was a big hit. you can't help that the stream quality was bad that's out of your hands. I think most of use Like you for your personality to be honest and the sexual stuff is a extra. thank you so much! Love you Melody <3


People who complain about sexual activity are jus wrong and are not true fans which is sad cause you shouldn’t be pressured into doing anything I have a great time jus being in the chill streams and watch you have fun on twitch and I didn’t stay for the NSFW I stayed for the personality and the relatability and sheer fun


No problem at all it was amazing can't wait to see more for if I miss a stream. Keep up the greatness that is lewd amd nerdy stuff ❤


It's okay mel. Try not to be too hard on yourself. You put the VOD up which is appreciated. I had a hard time trying to watch the stream. Thanks for always bringing us a good time <3


I think being able to just bullshit with a small portion of the community in a private room is one of my main highlights of what you do. I like your use of jazz in the start of the stream, gonna need to steal some song names from ya.


While I was looking forward to sexuals, I didn't complain because I know you're doing your best, Mel. Things happen and sometimes our plans fall through. All my love, <3 Wonky. P.S. Also when I mentioned "your own streaming platform" I was talking about the website you just mentioned.


I'm here for the ride. Bumps are bound to happen when you veer off the path to make something new. Keep doing you!


I honestly liked the more chill talking and memeing with the community kind of stream. Felt like we got a lot more interaction with you than the normal streams.


While the issues with Vimeo and chat were annoying, I understand completely that these things happen sometimes. You did explain pretty early on that your lush was busted, so no worries there either. Here's hoping your streaming site is up and running soon!


It's okay Mel. Vimeo just couldn't handle the number of audience. Thanks for hanging out with us. We had lot of fun listening to you and your playlist. It's close to impossible for you to interact with every fan because there are thousands of us in different times zones, but still you try your best to please everyone and that's really sweet of you. Just do sexual stuff whenever you're in the mood; No need to feel obligated.


Who can complain about your wholesomeness. I will have to wrangle down those deviant scientists....


Thanks for Vodding that one Melody. Being somewhat familiar with Vimeo, must say it should have gone better then that. A one off maybe? Will see during next one. Did you contact their tech support and let them know about the difficulties? The ounce of prevention thingy. Regardless of all the glitches, the presentation was thoroughly enjoyable for me. Your demeaner, reactions, and composure during situations like this shows your charm, heart and good nature we all fall in instalove with.


Would this be worth a try Melody?


https://www.crowdcast.io/patron-only Is a livestream partner of patron


If I had time I'd volunteer to help make the website

Nathan McCarthy

The content made last stream was perfect for the Vast majority of us watching that stream. yea the tech issues sucked but that stuff happens and is compleatly out of your control! it was over all amazing and what a lot of us who stick around enjoy! i could easily say a good 95% of us where hyped for that stream and to have a stream we could interact with you more genuinely, meme, dork out and just chill as a group! There will always be haters and those who expect more and more. You could be the most fabulous, tasty and perfect peach that ever existed BUT there will always be some people who hate peaches or want more then a peach! keep up the good work! don't feel obligated to do things you don't want to or things you are uncomfortable with CUZ YOUR DOING AMAZING AS IS, and making a huge impact on a community where toxicity is all to common in a positive way!


Don't feel bad Melody. You cannot cater to everyone. We know that you are doing your best and that is all that you can do. Don't feel pressured to do something that you do not want to do. We love you for you, the sexual activity is just a bonus. Technical issues aside, the show was still awesome. We will always find a way to support our favorite hentai girl. We will always be here for you. We love you Melody, never change. <3 <3 <3 <3 You are amazing just the way you are.


Hey platform and hardware issues are out of your control, don't sweat it! Just chill and chat was awesome. I wouldn't let the anxiety of pleasing a vocal minority get you down. Do what makes you happy. We'll be along for the ride, bumps and all. ❤


Mel the Science Team will always love you no matter what you do because the Science Team loves you for who you are... even if your a pickle!


The fact is a chilling stream time to time is highly enjoyable. I prefer a private showtime with casual talking and a public one with sexual activity. This allows you to breath a little for asking us questions for example. In this way, pervert scientists still have CB and those who want more (or less) can get the patreon for that. ^^


Please don't worry about it! The chill stream was very nice, and Discord chat ended up working pretty well IMO. Don't think that you need toys to lewd us scientists either! Some of my favorite streams of yours are the ones where you do ASMR/JOI. Though it is definitely better when we're able to tease you back >_<


Where was this on vrc?


My only complaint is that I had to keep refreshing for the first thirty or so mins, but I enjoyed the stream when it finally started to work. Also, sexual content is nice and all, but if I didn't genuinely enjoy you as you are, I would have only stuck around for one stream. Don't let the complaints of no sexual activity get to you.


Vimeo was meh. Could have been better but mostly worked for me. As far as the lack of sexual activity. I couldn't care less. I actually enjoy the chill streams much more. Please don't feel pressured into doing anything you don't want to do. Your true fans will be here for you coom or no. <3


Sorry if we seemed overly salty about the lack of spiciness. We still love you.


Still worked better than CB for me... lol


Considering the kind of content you produce, we're bound to hop around with platforms and payment processors until we can get something figured out. You're a qtπ that we all love and I'm sure most of us want to see how far this goes. We're all about questioning limits and pushing boundaries. As you might hear in the near future, "Science isn't about WHY, it's about WHY NOT?" Pretty cool that you're getting your own site put together. Is it hosted and managed by a third party or do you have a techie on retainer managing the virtual private server(s)? At a minimum it's gotta be able to handle the science team's "complimentary stress testing services" but also consider the possibility of attacks from certain kinds of people. On Twitch, people get mass-reported and follow-botted to get their accounts struck down. At best, they might just try to overload your site with unsolicited traffic to make it unavailable (aka DoS, "denial of service"). At worst, they might try to hack your site and deface or leak private information from it, such as user logins, if you're planning on hosting stream chat or private shows, so be mindful of the user data that you choose to store. Food for thought. Less than three, as always!


considering the fact that I was listening at work, nsfw stuff could have gone awkward for me.


If you had six toys you could switch them out every half hour. Maybe they wouldn't break that way.


Not sure what your work is, but watching a Cam-Girl stream while working is you taking a huge risk. I respect that.


Between the lovense situation and finding a viable streaming service that is both reliable for large crowds and allows for NSFW PW shows, you have a lot on your plate. I hope it all gets sorted eventually.


As a general note for people watching others on Vimeo: I strongly suggest using Chrome as that's the best site to view it from I've found. You may have to close a lot of other tabs (I had to hide chat due to lag) but I was able to watch in 1080p on a low end laptop without issue.


Once we moved the chat to discord it was all good for me so i dont mind using them like that till your site is ready


tech issues happen, it's the internet afterall.


The complaint is understandable. I personally think we should have chill livestreams only on Twitch.


Personally, the absense of toys was a plus, to me, because there was a greater focus on conversation. It's easier to talk when the chat isn't going at light speed like on, say, Twitch. Here's my vote for more toy free shows in the future!


I think it is important to understand that there are people here who love the more chill conversations and there are also people who are here to enjoy the adult content. I don't think there is any shame in being one or the other or a healthy mix of both. So long as both sides can say what they feel, offer criticism, and enter healthy/civil discussion and not be made to feel ashamed for there preferences. We may have our different reasons that bring us here but we are here for a love of melody's content and a love for this community. GO SCIENCE TEAM!


The tech issues are understandable dont worry about that, looking forward to whatever resolution you or we come up with. Been around since day 3 of you streaming on cb and i love everything youve been offering, its fun, engaging, funny, and sexy, but that complaint about not much spiciness in my opinion is justifiable. Dont get me wrong i watch the twitch streams and everything too but when it comes to a cb or patron stream people bought into the idea of supporting what was advertised, a hentai cam girl, with all the popularity and growth you have rightly earned, especially with a more general public audience entering the fray that complain about not being able to see when at work, etc, thats on them unfortunately to take that risk, and frankly its understandable because you built your persona of being a hentai camgirl, and those new audience members might wanna understand that point too. Lately i feel like youve drifted just a bit with the growth, personally chill streams should stay on twitch in my opinion, but you cant please everybody, all i can say is just consider what you wanna do, weither it be a hentai camgirl or going the more standard vtuber route, ive stuck around this long so far for your great personality meshing with your sexy persona being the first hentai 3danime camgirl and ill still support you. I dont mean any harsh feelings or thoughts, im kinda being just a realist or devils advocate, and im not saying to push yourself, no no no, just work out a better schedule to pace yourself in satisfying what audience your trying to satisfy at the time with the content you make, but hey the community you created has been very great too, yay science team! :)


Your point was incredibly well worded. The difference between older and more casual fans wasn't something I had even considered. I think the important thing for us to remember is that these ideas, suggestions and even criticisms come from a place of love. For both this team and Melody herself and you nailed that point completely. Good work.