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Here's a list to address all of the things :
1. My God there are so many of you. This tomfoolery is nonsense and I love it. XD

Thank you all so much for supporting me. I really can't express touched I am, so instead I'll touch myself and you can watch

2. There are a lot of messages. Like, a lot of messages. I promise that I will get to yours, and write you back... As soon as I get through all these Harry Potter books and finish my ertic Ed X Alphonse ship.

But seriously I will write you back, it's just gonna take a minute.

3. Kind of same thing, but for the tier rewards. All sempais tiers and up, you will get your personalized digital thank you lewd, but it may take me until next week, there are over 100 of you

Thank you for reading the time to read this! I love all of you




#I got my lewds first....be jealous you mortals...Nr DVA and fangirl here😎


Anywhere we can get a full video fam


Honestly not a fan of your content cuz I just don’t know to much about it. But what happened on Twitter was dumb and I don’t mind giving a dollar in support for someone that’s being attacked for trying something new and having fun.


this whole thing gives me cyberpunk 2077 vibes and I’m totally here for it bring it on in 2020


NSFW MMDs got me sold then i realized VRC Rewards are in it too so I yeeted my money from my wallet and threw it here


I seen some shade getting thrown on twitter after I read an article I thought was kinda funny. Figured I would show some support.


I feel the NSFW videos need to be a little more NSFW. :) And have you considered uploading to Iwara? It's the home of MMD lewdness. At very least it will help spread your name.


How do we get the thank you pics?


No rush, but any eta on the VRC meetup and private shows?


We came from the outside world... It's a VERY spoopy place but you have saved us from that terror...


Take your time I'm in no rush I have all the time in the world


Take your time 😊


Came from the the memes about the other cam girls complaining, and some people retweeting about it

Tokoyami Rey

I came from the the trash can


Of course! We are all people of culture and quite frankly, we are amazed that you've popped up out of nowhere and made such a sexy appearance on all of these platforms. So yeah, keep it up and keep making hoes mad


I came from the desk over yonder, and im glad to be here


We're from the past and just arrived in the future.


Man the comments she leaves make me laugh so much.. I might be in love lol


I can't find the Discord link. Can anybody help, pretty please?

Hypa Vox

No stress at all Mel we know how insanely busy you are atm 😊✌️ just don't overdo it ok? Breaks are important


And I did link my Discord account to Patreon and it shows as connected in the apps tab of my account, but in the tier rewards from here it still says I need to connect my Discord account.


Here because we support and love you. Keep it up! 💪


Love you, Mel! You keep doing you :D


Keep doing you and don’t overwork yourself Mel. Also just know that we’re all here to support you!! UwU


Great moves Mel, keep it up, proud of you


I love you Melody! XD


There's almost a thousand of us now. You're going to be a very busy 3D anime girl. ;)


Your content really intrigued me, your way of entertainment I can really see sticking.


1k supporters now xD congrats


I'm here to support this great idea, but, we need true NSFW vids, Mel. ;)


I came from youtuber thequartering and umbrella guy <3


Just want too say i am happy too support this wonderful idea of yours, even though it is just 5$ I felt too support you some way. Keep it up and take your time too sort things out, I think most of us can understand you will be really busy now ;)


"The Quartering" sent me. Keep up the good work!


I saw a video made by the quartering that got m intrigued. Then I watched ur video on Is hentai art and it pretty much sold me, keep up the amazing work!


I saw an argument on twitter from the envious camgirls, first thought was, "Hell yeah, let's get it promoted!" and that's how i ended up here. Keep up your great work! This is a wonderful idea :)


Saw a facebook post making fun of the envious camgirls. The rest is history...


I actually just went on CB for the usual go to sleep joy. And well there you were. XD


You are amazing. Don't you dare let those other girls get to you!


I came here because of Rimmy, i stay because i enjoy the personality, Stay awesome and holesum ^.^


I was minding my business on Chaturbate and I saw an anime girl. I was like "wait wait wait what?!?" I was legitimately curious at first and found that your name is quickly growing bigger. Now I'm a supporteer PS. Your voice incredibly adorable :)


I saw thequartings video on youtube about you making the gardening tools irate. I’m a simple man. I like anime titties, your freaking adorable, and the angry old garden tools make me lmfao, so i’m happy to support you :)


saw Hero Hei's video about other camgirls getting salty about your success xD, decided to check out your CB account, liked what i saw, and here i am now on your patreon


I learned from a Japanese Vtuber video


Same as Selakiir lol, it's rather tragic how others see something 'new' and just screech about it... You're adorable and sexy in equal measure imo. And now you've got another patron :) Best of fortune, you silly sexy AI!


Don't worry about it Mel your awesome I'm here to support you 😍


I am new here, I came from a certain popular dragon channel that named C-san (censored for real identity :) ) . Anyway, I know your content will be about 18+ and I don't mind that as people have that need. However, I will expect more about the content that can be more mainstream like game, anime, skit, music (sing), reaction, collaborate with vtubers ... As I know you have the potential and working hard, plus you have the attention right now so this is a right time. Good luck, I will support you from now on.


I caught wind through Facebook after my best buddy posted a story to his timeline showing all the CamGirls being jealous of Mel. After that I attended a Stream, liked what I saw and now I am here to show my support.


i heard about it from an anime youtuber, and found that this shtick (or industry, or however you'd like to call it) is something i'm interested in growing, this is actually the first patreon i've ever signed up for.

Raging Striker

I saw a post on Facebook and then your stream was linked on an undisclosed lewd website I happened to be visiting. I popped in and within seconds I realized I was seeing the future unfold.


I heard of you from your friend Noble of Lost Pause and Raging golden eagle on the same hour period a few days ago about all the CB cam girls freaking out about you. It got me interested in you and I'm very glad I did. I know your just starting out and things are a bit wonky at times, but I see great potential in you and your team.


I'm a simple man. I like 2.5D tiddies and a barely coherent scottish man told me where I could find some.


been wondering but whats the discord channel? got the 10 pledge


Thank you for responding to the h*es mad alarm. Prepare for battle!


Im with the Science team.


I came from Rev and I have to say, I will support this endeavour in hopes for you to continue this and make this kind of stuff mainstream!


Thank you queen!


i came from rimmy


I came from indigo white and our lord dank but stayed for the coomies


I came from a post on twitter and Nobles video


I was watchin' with some of mah bois and thought now THAT is waifu material. time to tell the rest of the guys about this...(in a sense i pretty much got isekai-ed with this)(still lookin' for the truck that hit me)


A turd flinging monkey sent me. https://www.bitchute.com/video/sWFOWm79_PY/


I watched itsagundum video about you and that camgirl were getting made so I wanted to know more about you. You made my v-day the best v-day ever, I was meant to go on a double date w/ ppl but a problem happen w/ the other couple and the plan got ditched. But you turned my day around.


I Came form YouTube Before the youtube news wave.


I have actually been following DigitrevX since they were creating Volt club and a little bit before it was released i used to sleep there and hang out because i was invited there and didnt want to loose the World!!! So kinda been watching the magic slowly come to life through Twitter posts etc. It's amazing seeing how much this all blew up though!


I read a post on Twitter that a new cyber/anime cam girl was causing the meatbag ones to go into a full meltdown. How could I not support that?


To be honest, I have even forgotten how I found you. But that doesn't matter, because I'm crazy about you now! Although I am also surprised that you can cause so many amazing events in a short time, I am really happy for you! A few days ago, I wrote an article and posted it on the social platform. It's about you. I wish more people could know about you! Happily, in China, more and more people have begun to know your story, and one by one they are interested in you, even fall in love with you! I hope we can accompany you all the time!


Well, just see some information in a s social App group. I think these things amazing so I followed u , I like your streaming and mmd video , bad English for me because im Chinese:-) , your things is becoming a hot topic in our country , so I just want to say.. keep going and good luck, we all like you ( ‘-^ )b


same here came from a post on twitter and Nobles video


I just randomly found u on Twitter


That's how I heard of Melody was from Nobles first video of the Camgirls tirade. That didn't go the way they hoped now did it?


I found you after youtubers made videos about the outrage you causes.


The #vtuber pop on youtube and I got curious.