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can u believe its monday afgain? where did the weekend go D: but oh welllll i guess we can make our own fun, huh? do u have anything exciting planned this week? lemme know in the comments <3

im trying to feel better after this weekend (which im still sorry for canceling btw), and its coming slowly but surely. maybe we can make each other feel a li l beftter? ^^ <3




I hope you're feeling a bit better Mel!


Don't feel sorry melly, take your time, we understand

Remix Kun

Is good as for plans Work all week no need to apologise for cancelling health comes first (yes before you to teehee) we love ya homie as for feeling good wouldn’t say no 👀also pic is real cute and hot


Working on a fan animation for ya!


I’m doing very good. How about you? ;3


My flight is tomorrow morning. I’m going on family vacation this week!!! I will do my best to have fun with them, while also sharing tales w/ the science team, cuz these fellas are a 2nd family. Hope your week goes well also Mel 👏🙏❤️

Glasses Character

I’m glad you are beginning to feel better, I can only imagine how stressful meetups might be for you, I love getting to chat with you in VRC, but it’s best when you’re feeling it, so don’t be too hard on yourself


Well it's my birthday Wednesday so I am going out shooting.


Nothing too crazy this week, just gonna be trying to find some side gigs to keep me going until I can find a real job again. But I'm still hanging in there!

Patrick Evans

Work, School, Hades 2 and maybe paint some minis. Take your time to feel better.


nothing much special planned myself. just catching streams when they happen. glad you're making progress on feeling better! we try to make you feel as good as you make us feel good!


Doing good as I have Monday's off


Eating subway & watching Lucifer after getting off work. Pretty swell.


I dont know i feel so much stress and nervous for my new PC. Sometimes it wont work and some time it works.


Finished a Vtuber cummunity night awhile ago, and enjoying some pork Schezuan noodles. Gonna be doing the usual routine for the rest of the week, but next week's my birthday week so I am excited! Also glad to know that you are slowly doing better than last week!


Got a presentation tomorrow and will be visiting an art gallery which will be fun, but besides that I'll just be chilling. Also no worries Mel, hope you can kick ass this week.


Well I have to ask Mel, what can we do to help make ya feel better. The fans gotta know!


Me and my family have our own battle going on. It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better, but I'm doing my best to stay strong for everyone around me. I thankfully have my brother, and uncle, and cousins that have been a big help. I'm not alone this time, and I do enjoy seeing and spending time with them in between the hard parts.


Taking my monthly weekend off, probably gonna play some subnautica. maybe try to catch up a little on one piece (yeah right lol), but mostly gonna try to chill. Hope your week goes much better, we here if you need us < 3