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remember when i told u guys I was playing with a new format? ᕕ( ಠ‿ಠ)ᕗ well i meant it, and u can have a lil sneak peak of whats to c u m..... mwahaha...

im working with some increeeeedible artists to make some of our monthly content drops be full hentai comics / photosets for you guys!! surpriiiise! :D no one else is seeing this anywhere else but here on my top tiers, so i hope u enjoy it hehe. I cant wait til some are compelkte for me asto share withj u all, so i appreciate the patience, but expect great things!!

(also, ive been kinda havin a rough time lately with some personal stuiff, so i know i sauy it a lot but i really appreciate the patience you guys have with me, and im working to find fun sexy solutions to new content for u guys like this while ui make sure im in tip top shape! thank u all for being so understanhding, ur the best and ily <3



Glasses Character

first of all, what a great idea. I'm sure these new comics will be amazing. Being a part of your community is very different than just being a fan of you and your talent. We have the privilege of getting to know you in a more intimate way than say a musician we like. This means we see that you are a whole real person, and whole real people have bad times too. It's understandable, and we are here for you when you need us. Do what you need to do to find your balance, and thanks for all the nice things you make time to share with us.


Nice, gonna have some comics to goon too lol. And also your health has gotta come first, take as much time as you need. We'll be here if you need to beat us- I mean need to vent or anything. Take care Melly < 3