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Hey guys,

So this is a heads up to changes that will be happening here on my PATREON page.

Firstly, I want to thank each and everyone of you for the support you’ve shown over the last year or so.

I am forever humbled.

As you may have seen in my previous post, a person by the same of Suzy Lu has really shaken the landscape for YouTube/PATREON reactors.

Due to her actions, PATREON is now under a legal microscope.

Which means, unfortunately, things need to change.

Starting this weekend, unedited anime reactions will be replaced with the Timer Based format. (Current ongoing series will now fall under this format).

I will be systematically deleting older content over the coming days.

I know this is not the news you wanted to hear.

I sure as hell didn’t.

I’ve really enjoyed sharing my reactions with you.

But I need to make a change.

I do not want my livelihood destroyed due to potentially being sued over copyright breaches.

But this doesn’t mean I’m not delivering amazing content.

I will be restructuring the tier format to compensate.

I’ll also delivering content you will not see anywhere else.

PATREON exclusives.

Shows like My Hero Academia, One Piece, HxH, Death Note, Steins;gate have all been in the pipeline.

So they’ll come to you earlier than YouTube PLUS exclusives (still working out a schedule) on certain programs.

I’m devastated that I’ve had to make these changes.

But this platform has alway been about your support.

And I fully appreciate these changes may not suit everyone. Hell, I hate it.

So if you choose to move on, I get it.

For those of you who stay, thank you.

But I have to follow the rules.

I’m hoping to get things transitioned as quickly and as smoothly as possible.

Thanks again for your patience and understanding.





Don't worry about it Dean, better to be safe then sorry.


I’m still gonna keep watching them, pretty sure I have my own copy to watch along. I just feel sad that I won’t be able to watch them on my phone ahaha, gonna pratice my timing for the future reactions! And wow that’s a lot of show you just mentioned there, some of them gonna take so much times! Hope you like them at least!


Whatever happens, ill be here with ya no matter what my guy.🤘


Don't worry Dean. I'll always stick along with you for the ride! Just make sure you don't burn yourself out - we're always happy to have more content but your wellbeing comes first ;)


I’ll be limiting my reactions to 3 series. More focused and less inclined to burnout. Schedule coming soon once I get my head around the logistics of this change.


Will stick around. I watch for your reaction not the show (though I do like being able to see it I wont lie).

Jackie D.

The other reactors I come here to watch are timer based ones, so I don't mind watching along with my own copy! Really excited for some of the upcoming shows!

Hee Chungboi

Good with the changes Dean, do what you gotta do. Perhaps Google drive might be an alternate option but for now it's a good idea to stick with being safe until this 'legal microscope' is abolished.


Wow. You guys have been so amazingly supportive. Thank you.

Chad Shipman

Not going to stop watching just because of something you don't have control over. Whatever format you settle into will be great, I know it! Looking forward to the reactions!!

David J Moore

I've only heard a little bit about this whole situation. I'm curious how you became aware of the it, if you don't mind me asking? (pure curiosity)


One of my fellow reactors questioned me about it as he is starting out with his own reacting channel. I’ve also had it mentioned it to me on YouTube in the comments. I initially shrugged it off. But apparently there’s a strong focus on PATREON. Which concerned me obviously. So had to be proactive and make changes.


Well damn.


This is crazy! I’ll stick around because your reactions are awesome and you deserve the support. I guess this means I finally have an excuse to get my own copies of things! 😆