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Hey everybody! Thank you so much for sticking around and supporting me in this weird journey, whether you joined in 3 years ago or 3 minutes ago, your being here brings life to my charred and shriveled heart.

Speaking of...

Intox Day is November 24th. Please present your gifts at the dark altar then, if you've got any planned. (i.e. birthday lol)

Cheering Up

(the non-cheerleader-TG version)

October wasn't as productive as I'd like it to be...on paper, anyway. I've been struggling with my mental health and motivation these past few months, and that includes even mustering the basic, bare-minimum energy to simply upload things I've completed to Patreon (and Fanbox).

On the bright side, this means I have a lot of content to upload...which is just as well, since, I'm also out on business + vacation for 3 weeks for...well, business, but also for my aforementioned birthday.

I'm making an effort and hope to make this month a more enjoyable one for you, my supporters! Expect lots of uploads, including a record nine-part sequence!

Again, I've been better, but I'm feeling better. Trying to get caught up with my backlog here this month.

A Contest!

Been a couple years since one of these. Wow.

Sooo, I'm prreeeetty sure I'll be kicking off a contest this coming month! Did you know November 15th-ish marks ten years since I started producing works under this name? Yeah, neither did I!

As many of you doubtlessly know, I started out providing stories for existing images. Image vignettes, or captions, or image stories, or whatever. So the contest will be a 'full circle' sort of affair. And what's that mean? Why, it means: Take an image of mine and make your own vignette/caption/story from it! Original context optional. Prizes include commission credits and/or collaborating on something and/or you being trapped in the story forever*.

I'm looking forward to it, and I hope you are too!

Anyway, here's to a productive, fun, and not-so-sad November!


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