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Hi hi.

Here is some more work in progress, the hog sisters.

Like the other characters, they got way hornier than before and there is one more sister.

The idea that they will make extra costumes to the waifus, which will unlock new scenes.

So yes, they will be available for the lewd, hopefully I can have something for this upcoming build/demo.

And thank you for the support!




Its seems is going to be a demo with alot of content , at least for what have been showed yet , thats amazing!

King Bass

Is it ok to ask if we can get a possible estimate date on the demo's release if no that's ok too I'm just really excited to play this everything that has been shown has been amazing every time we get new info on the game the more I geek out cant wait to play this and bear with me


I think Mable should have a more 'modest' body, more like nook sisters, but is just my opinion


Wow 3 of them that will be fun and they have another sister too Wonder what she looks like😏👌 Hope we Get to use the close mechanic in the demo😁👍❤️


I mean, the original idea was just two, and then I thought, why not another one, ahaha.


I would say in 3 months more or less, but as you can see, there is a lot of content, so its hard to have a precise date to it. When I get closer to finish the content I want to this demo/build done, I can do a better estimative.

King Bass

No no no no no no no sir or ma'am not trying to assume genders but the body types are perfect nothing needs to be changed

King Bass

So I'm just taking an educated guess here sometime in July I sit here waiting patiently and eagerly


well, was just my opinion, and I like those bodies but it would be nice more variety, you know, at least one gal with smaller tits or something, is a bit weird seing all characters with almost the same measures


I mean, the old Mable design from first demo had smaller tits, and I think her design was good


Could we get a beta possibly soon?


costumes is an amazing idea, games that let you choose what the girls are wearing are superior. cant wait for this demo


Not gonna lie, the hedgehog sisters are what I'm most excited for.

Emmanuel Verreynne

I've been waiting for this game a long time. Really looking fwd to it. 🤩