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Hi hi. I want to share an idea I have for some time with you guys.

Like, the main game I am working will be going, Waifu Crossing, but it will take a while to be finished. since I kept doing more and more stuff on it. XD

So, I thought to use the time to the monthly animations to make short games. And this short games will be about my characters.

I am thinking to open votes to choose which characters you guys wish to see the game first.

The short game would be like, meeting the character, make her interested to bang and finally the fuggs. Maybe 3 different poses, one of them would be animated.

What you guys think?



Sound good by me


I like the sound of that


Personally I think you should just work on the game right now


If you’re comfortable with spreading yourself that thin over more projects then by all means do so! :3


Yeah, the thing that take a lot of time are the animations I do, and I think I can use better this time to make more interesting content than just an animated cycle.

Human Kirby

Do what you wanna do bud! If you wanna make a game with your characters then I say do it! But make sure to not overwhelm yourself and overwork as well!


Would love to see a game about Steph.


I'm divided on it. On the one hand I think you should pursue what you want to stimulate your creative endeavors. On the other hand that sounds like you starting another big project before finishing this project. I'm worried you won't finish either. So if you can ensure you stay on task for your goals, go for it. The question for yourself is can you?


Indeed, I would be using the time I make animations and some of illustration, but I imagine having some short games would be more interesting than simple animated cycles and illustration.


Yes, its a good point. I can do it, the ideia is to keep simple for this reason. Like I said, it would be in place of the animation I do, they will keep coming in the games, but the time I use to make animation I can use to make the games.


I don't really respond alot to these because i feel like they probably won't be seen but in my opinion i feel like if you really want to try it out and possible already have it planned out i think it would be a great idea either way i feel we will all support what ever you decide. I love your art and can't wait to see what you come up with.