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Hi hi, how are you guys in this end of year?

Well, I am thinking here, I want to see with you guys if this is a good idea.

The commissions would work like the illustrations polls I do, you post your commission idea, the one with more likes won, it can be your characters and also multiple ones, (just having in mind the more complex, more time and money will take).

My commissions rules also are here, like no extreme fetish or violence. 

As commission, the people who won pays, if the people cant pay, the second most liked idea takes place and so on.

What you guys think? If you have some interesting idea share in the comments.



I like the idea but mabey do commissions separate so that the people who do pay will get there drawings done and not just have a chance at it. You could ask for suggestions and take the most popular and put that in a poll


1. If you do this are you going to contact the winner so they can put in their personal details its a commission after all. 2.you need to make sure everyone gets a fair chance to win after someone wins they can't win again until someone else does maybe longer depending on how many people try win. 3.everyone should have an idea what you'll likely charge so it's far less likely for someone to try to win just to find out they can't afford it

Cass. Wyvern

This is a very interesting way of doing things.. I like it.


Well, overall a really good idea, I support you in this. I hope you have a great time in the midst of the holidays.


It sounds like a pretty good idea, the only thing I’d be concerned with is Probrably repeat winners. Thee mite need to be a cap on that because if one or a few people keep winning repeatedly it would be a little troublesome. Also a clear price for winners would be good so it’s not a surprise. Last thing would be like a workflow type of thingy so it doesent stack up to be too much per month. A few patreons I’ve seen with similar ideas sometimes get behind and then it has to be decommissioned after a round or so. I think you can handle it though, and it’ll work out as long as you plan it 😊


Would these be a set price? I’m game :3


I kind of find this unnecessary. If I have something I've been waiting to get with you, say with a friend of mine, but the community gets pandered to that feels unfair. Unless you're going to pick 3-5 of the top, this feels like a way to ensure some ideas never really get traction. The real issue with commissions is timezones. When you open up is going to happen when someone is sleeping. If you wanted to have people comment about their ideas and then you pick from those, that could be fairer. As it stands, I don't agree with a popularity contest for people to have the privilege of paying you for an idea.