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Ayyyy I am back!

The CCXP was pretty fun, stressful and satisfying in same time.

I didnt know very well what to expect, then I put a whole bunch of my comics on the package, it was so dang heavy, ahahah. In the end, I didnt sell the comics so well, but now I know I can bring some small quantity and will be good. 

I got so many interesting feedback and all the peoples I have showed the comic, they have enjoyed pretty much the concept and quality.

Some pretty cool comic artists helped me to feel better in the last day, that I got a lil depressed, one of them really did her best to cheer me up, and it worked. I did some different approach and made some custom sticker with +18, as she suggested me, and I sold some more comics because of this.

In the beginning I had not much idea of what was going on, but it turned out some pretty interesting experience and some nice way to build up a network with other comic artist and professionals too.

I am pretty happy that everything went well, and now I am more motivated to do comics for now on.

Soon I will post more about the comic, that I will do a english version.

And great part of this journey be possible its thanks to you guys! Thank you so much for all the support, kindness and patience!




arm reveal


Would've loved to visit but sadly the distance is too great for me lol. Great to hear though and welcome back!


Oh. Brazil, my country. Cool


Me sentindo mal por não ter ido na CCXP esse ano. Prox ano eu vou e dou o meu suporte!