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Hey there.

So, this poll is to vote my next Visual Novel Project.

I'll try to do a demo for this month, and the full game for the next month.

The options are some ideas that I had and some people that help me to write.

  • Bear Waifu, a wild THICC bear that you can tame...
  • Dog boy got a job, you play as Dog boy, walk in the stduio and meet Dru, writed by BlazeTheFox;
  • Dragon Waifu, you are a knight that fucks a THICC dragon. This can be very dangerous. I mean, funny dangerous;
  • Slut Fox Waifu, you are a bunny with a slut THICC fox as roommate.



Bear waifu for life!


all in on bear waifu, in both meanings of the word


Drago-chan needs more love

Star Foxy

My votes for the fox one :)


Looks like I'mma have to wait a while for the Bear Waifu project. Lmao


But the wait will be filled with other hype projects, so I have 0 complaints.


Bear waifu or fox slut waifu :3