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I will write some ideas that I had and you guys can let yours with Ms Peggy...

Oh, I would like a opinion of my goals that I have change. what you guys think about that?

  •  It's a little soon to me tell what I have in mind with the visual novel thing, since I'm finishing the Digi Waifu 1.0 ... For now, still free to download, and I don´t know really well, but my future visual novel with my own characters could be for patreon, not too sure about the rewards yet. If you guys have some ideias about that, feel free to comment.
  • I have some ideas for future visual novel project, some of them BlazeTheFox had. So I think to open to you guys as a poll to choose what vn project would be done next.
  • If someone like to write and wish to help me with the vn projects just send me a message too.

About the Request Day. Like, now is 3+ pledge reward because I wish to do a little better sketches and something like this:

  •  The request day would stay how is it, but the most liked I will do a simple full color pic.
  • The resquest day change by the point I will do the 3 most liked questions, in simple full color pics.

What you guys think about this?

About the Request Animation Day:

  •  The RAD will stay how is it, but the most liked animation I do with flat colors.
  • The RAD change to the point of the most liked question I'll do one animation with a little more frames and flat colors as answer. 

What you guys think about this?

The 35 pledge now I do one character with a simple full color and a random male is allowed.

Well, I think this is it for now. So, what you guys have in mind?




I like the idea of having full color requests, could it be put to a community (patreon) vote though?


Maybe either a choice of one character color or two character sketch for example if we wanted a picture of two females. Random animations sound nice but also sound like a lot of work hope it doesn't burden you to much but maybe you can have us vote on the content of it?


so $3 tier for requests starting now or starting in the future?


I think doing the request days by vote and color. Also making it by likes allows you to not do as many, and improve quality on the ones that are selected by us. Lightening the load on the requests would do wonders on having time for your other projects :).


I really like a lot of these changes going forward! My only request are profile pics of each of your characters showing their front and backsides. I haven't noticed any yet and think they would be a welcome addition.


That's a good idea. Kinda like a ref sheet for each of them?

Star Foxy

I like that idea


Nice, I'll think about this, and vote is a good idea.


I did this change in a recent reward update. It's starting now.


Yeah, I'm trying to less work, but with more quality.