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Hi! Hope everyone's doing well.

I wanna make an announcement regarding Patreon. 

Don't worry! Still no paywall planned. Not for the artwork, at least.  

Buuuut I still need the money, so I'll start something that's a bit of an incentive. Asking just for a donation has never really been a viable business practice anyway XD  

What I have in mind, is this; an "Ask my characters" activity.  

Starting next month (February), for patrons of 5$ and more, you can send me a question per week for the characters (Talia, Nicky, Illiana, Charlotte) to answer! (Most preferrably via the sites' Direct Messages) I will then pick three per week (may be more than three if I have the time) and draw the characters answering these questions. 

The questions should be sent before Thursday so that I have the time to choose and draw.   

For full transparency, they won't be the same quality as a commissioned work; Most likely Sketches with flat color at most, or maybe "Pencil" sketch. Composition wise, it might vary based on the questions, but most likely will be a head-to-hips (for obvious reasons XD) sort of shot with the character giving answers.   

Then the images will be uploaded on Pixiv on every Sunday. All at once.  

As for the questions, the format should be something like "Ask (Character name here) about (content of question here). Easy!  

If your questions weren't picked for that week, don't worry, you can send me the same question the next week (unless it's a question I would rather not have my characters answer, I'll privately message you if that is the case).

I do have other plans as well, might switch them around if this doesn't work out well; Have patrons/subscribers vote on what "Famous game/movie death/"action" scenes that could work with Talia" or something similar. Basically, give Scenario for a character.  

Frankly, I don't make enough money to stay afloat drawing without the support on Patreon. Commissions are great, no doubt about that, but it's not consistent enough at times. I really would like to make this full-time art-ing a possible thing.  

Now this is the first ever patron activity I have, so it's gonna be a little clunky. If you have suggestions or the like, feel free to voice 'em! I might not be able to implement all of the suggestions, of course, but as I'm very inexperienced in this field, I'd appreciate any feedback ya got.  

Thank you for your attention

Yers truli  



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