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Hi gang! I'm going away on holidays for 3 weeks this month so I won't be posting many uncut tutorials. I'll try to get one or two up this week but to compensate for the lack of content, here's a project file for you! This is from the pixel art shader tutorial I did a few months back. I hope you enjoy it! Thank you for supporting the channel! https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/97wolvdtwm6bejs6mqi4g/Pixel-Art-Scene.blend?rlkey=ze5mwxb3gb6iueh2z7s4g1bl3&dl=0



Terry Davis

Enjoy your family time away, and stay out of shark's living rooms. Don't know about down under, but they have been acting erratic and hungrier than usual here along the coasts.

Matt Greer

Thanks for making this available. In Blender 4.1, after rendering I end up with a blank image. if I unhook the Divide output into the second Scale node and just manually set x and y to 5, it then works fine. Maybe it's a bug in Blender. No big deal, just posting in case others get stuck by this. In Blender 4.2, the scene renders quite dark, and is equally dark in the viewport. I've noticed this with some other pixel art scenes. Not sure what 4.2 is doing differently just yet.