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This one is defo more fun :) Cinema4D procedural flower creation and animation.
Many parts in this series, lots of things to share and always trying to do things up to date with new Cinema4D 2024.2.0

A small note cause a lot of people ask me this:
Be very careful when you change Cinema4D versions and you have dynamics of any sort. Every version for has different range of forces, fields have different behavior, things in general change a lot. To the point of breaking your setups.

This is not helping in production at all, so I would strongly advise to add notes to your working files. What I tend to do in the simplest way, I add a null on top and write there c4d + renderer version among other things. Same thing can be done with an annotation tag in a null.

I got more things to show regarding flowers (everyone's fav topic) so stay tuned!






great flower tutorial again! :) could you share your new c4d layout in the project files?


Sure thing: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/ixsfcv6t1ncquo4g7pe4n/h?rlkey=st6m0qnr0ultc10u53v0otpzy&dl=0 various layouts that fit my 49 inch screen so you might have to adjust a little!

Luis Montoya

Hello Thanos, what commands do you press at min 16:21 to clean the texture?