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Finally found some time to throw a Houdini tutorial as well in the mix.

A small roadmap here:
When I am done with free H stuff regarding fundamentals, I am gonna start doing Patreon exclusive content with Houdini as well. I will share with you what I ve learned so far with vellum and how we bridge the 2 software together (H+c4d).
Cinema4D content will continue as usual, but i will add Houdini in the mix. This process is a bit slow and this is because I don't do Houdini very often and I wanna be certain that what I am about to show you, is legit and not dated or bad way of doing things. So please bare with me as my learning curve will be kinda side by side with yours :)

In order to attend these you should attend first all those boring stuff I am doing now. I think Houdini is a software that without the basic stuff is very hard to move further down the line.

Thats all for now, enjoy the tut and let me know if this was any useful.


Cinema4D to Houdini (Introduction to Attributes)

Took me a while to get back to H tuts. This one is probably the most important aspect in H: attributes. I will do my best to explain how this concept works and I will do a second more extended and in depth tutorial about them. Too much information on this one probably, many technical things so take your time to absorb all that and feel free to add more info in the comments below. My patreon: https://www.patreon.com/motionpunk



Very useful! I am very interested in this type of tutorial. Thank you!🖤


Great intro to attributes. Your take on it is very easy to understand. Keep em coming! ;)


the way that you explain is great Thanos! especially bridge over with C4D makes the all difference.. thank you!


Great to hear! Once those basic things get out of the way the fun will begin :)