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In this last part I am gonna explain how I setup the explosion. Cheating here and there whenever possible to have a sim-less but seamless setup haha.

Not very funny huh?


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I got same experience last year, client wanted a dust explosion and XP just so slow to do that, and ended up cheating it with sphere and octane scatter. But turbulance fd looks promising. have you tried embergen as well?


No i havent used it just yet. I have a dedicated tutorial for xp dust u can find it if u scroll down a bit :) TFD is amazing. Not as real time as embergen, but realtime enough to see what u do. I totally recommend it since its inside c4d and everything renders instant with rs or octane there,


What kind of computer do you have? I have a AMD Ryzen Threadripper 32 core, 128gb ram and 3090 but seem to lag a lt more then you. I am also using Cinema 4d r25


Heya I have a ryzen 3950x and 2x 3090 on my ws. I think its faster than Threadrippers, ryzen seem to be better for c4d while lower thread count. Also i have a feeling that r25 is much slower than r23.