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Hi everyone,

Before continuing with "Mamba Out" series, I tried to see how c4d can handle this sand effect inspired by Panoply
I hope you don't mind me jumping topics. It's just I discover something nice and I m excited to share.





Looks so dope, can't wait to see the sauce!


Pretty awesome! Can’t wait to watch and learn.

Misha Katz

One question/request (if I may). In the first frame, sand is already moving all over its surface. Even closer to the edges (where it should be still). I guess it is a side effect of Jitter (one way of making it more random). Would be super nice if you could explain how to avoid that (if possible and doable of course). Thank you in advance!


Hey! Very legit question indeed, i ll reply to that, after showing the actual tut haha. Cheers


I have seen INSYDIUM official youtube instructional video and talked about how to solve the problem of edge flow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pl1aX6iT3so

James Shannon

I always wanted to do a sand simulation like this so look forward to it! Is it always like that with XP that the first frame the particles are so uniform with grain and moving a bit? Is there not a way to randomize this, so you can have a still scene before the action starts ? I'm thinking of plaice on an ocean floor in camouflage bursting out of sand.. Maybe good to find some fisherman clients! 🐟 😄


Haha fisherman clients mate!! Well yea it needs a bit of turbulence at first maybe just a touch and then disable and use initial state when they come to a halt :)


Waiting so hard !!


So Misha, as u see in my example I dont wait for dust to settle (literally haha). I think its doable since the particles never intersect as an initial state. From there is about finding the correct setting of friction/substeps. Will do a small test and report back. Thing is with less particles everything works immediately. With higher amounts needs some more testing.

Misha Katz

I will also mess around with friction and substeps. Great tutorial and really useful insights. Thank you!

joe siscar

Awesome tutorial, but one question: Why 48 cubes to geometry? Is for ramdom color in material?. Thanks.


Heya, u mean why we have to use a lot of cubes vs a rock inside the octane object tag?

joe siscar

the rock has more polygons than the cube, but my question is why 48 cubes with the same scale


No is not related to random color, this can be controlled regardless as u see in the tut. But since its granular, we cant have particle size variation if we wanna have a clean initial state. Therefore I cheat this via the tag. The bigger particles are achieved this way, even though they do not have proper collisions. But thats not obvious in our case.