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Hey guys!

Here are some WIP images for an upcoming animation, scene by scene.

As mentioned in the previous post I wanted to do some short kinky animation projects. This one involves latex and musk~

The plot of this animation is that Druth has coated himself in tight latex, and along with that he's attached pipes from his suit to the small subs around him~ Being a potent dragon filled with testosterone and chemicals, naturally, his body emits a lot of heat, sweat, musk, and just general workout musk~ 

Breathing this in can cause mild growth, at first just dick growth, but continuing to breathe it in for long periods will cause full body transformation~ Height increasing, muscles inflating, dick and nuts stretching~ Just a lot of pleasure~

Honestly excited to work on this one.

I'll keep you all updated!




Can't wait to see the finishing touches!


grrr, I'm so insanely excited for this!!


Dat growing more hyper... Hornification intensifies~