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Hey guys!

Here are some WIP images of an upcoming model I commissioned!

Not sure if I mentioned this project yet, but this model is very specific for a whole bunch of future animations. Similar to the synthetic muscle suit, this is a synthetic synth host. Instead of sliding inside this synthetic host like you would with the power armor, you connect to this mentally, swapping your conscious mind from your body to this host. 

I have a lot of ideas involving this sexy synth! The main one I want to do is still getting developed but long story short I had an idea for an animation that involves Druth and his alien flatmate Tritan.

I like the idea that dad juice doesn't work on everyone, or that there are some people out there that simply cannot grow, at all. So Druth and Tritan create this host body and use it in a livestream~ the plot device is that whoever is the top donator in their livestream gets their mind put into this synth to where they get to do whatever they want with Druth and Tritan, if they wanna get deeply plowed by Druth it'll happen~ If they wanna fuck Tritan as hard and deep as possible it'll happen~ If they want to grow, or vore, or experience pleasure like never before then it'll happen~

It's an animation where Druth and Tritan make wishes come true~

Allowing users to enjoy the sensation of their body growing or morphing or being pushed to its limits. If they want to know what it's like to be fucking buff, or have a horse dick, or just feel godly pleasure then that's what they will get!

I like the idea that perhaps one of the top donators ends up being a twink, or a short tiny power hungry wannabe top, and finally experiencing that within this host~

At least until the next person donates more and their mind swapped out for the next person, so there is a sense of power play and greed too~

I'll keep you all updated regarding this project!
