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- Hey guys!

So tomorrow I'm going away on a short vacation to visit Chykumo in London, I should be back working on stuff before the weekend but until then there won't be any new WIP images or animation progress posted here!

I've never been to London so he's gonna show me around and hopefully have a nice break from things!

I'll also keep the spaz cv animation on Patreon over the time I'm away, and will post it for free when I get back!

- Also Happy New Year!!

I hope you all have a good one and thank you all for the support! I made a lot of progress this year in terms of animation skills, I've improved a lot and learned a lot! Very excited to see where this year takes me. And this is all thanks to you guys!!

I should be open again for commissions around the middle of the year but I can't promise anything. I still have a big batch of coms I need to get through, I will be honest I haven't been very good with keeping on top of them, but I will for certain make a grind through them soon!

Hopefully, progress on the VR Growth game idea can start this year too! However there is a LOT I need to learn, I'm yet to fully look at unreal engine or making games so it's going to be a lot of work.

Thanks again!!!! You are all awesome!!!



bonne année 2024


Oooh....have a great time. Would love to know what sights you visit and enjoyed.