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Hey guys!

My love for Spaz is at an all-time high currently. And The urge to shove Druth's dick deep down inside his own is overpowering, So I'm working on a short 50-second animation involving Druth cock fucking spaz's dick, and filling his nuts with Druth's load~

Spaz also has this nifty tail which he is using to massage Druth's nuts~ Just to help push that climax even harder~

Along with this animation which should be out in a day or so, I also managed to get more clothing made for Druth! A full body singlet that goes down to the thighs, and a service top harness which has been doing rounds in the community recently~

I'll also be going away on the 2nd of January to visit a friend for a short 4-day vacation! I'll post more details on that nearer to the time!




I love the idea of cumming into a cock and force filling their balls 🤤


Wow the 2nd of November that’s pretty far away…