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Hey guys

Here are some more pics showing the progress I'm making on this model. More explanation can be found in the previous Patreon post. 

Currently, I'm trying to learn anatomy, and by doing so I'm making the model as detailed as possible for muscles. 

I'm really happy with how it looks and it only seems to get better every few hours so I think this is going to end up looking really good. I'm not directly planning on using this model for anything, It's mainly practice, But I can easily add a head to this or various other features for future characters or ideas. The model can be easily edited.

This entire little project is all just skill building, learning the tools of character creation so I can actually find more ways of making the ideas I have in mind. And perhaps making more model bases for people to use. 

I'll keep you guys updated with any new progress. 




its always so nice to see how far you've come in terms of animation, while I did join abit late, your work has always been one of my favorites to see


Super cette musculature et bien détaillée

Zenoxx Chrovnoux

That incredible ass looks fuckable, and those thighs look like a fun place to sit.

Braden697 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-10 21:40:43 Hey, I sent you a message in Messages. I think you should do either model requests & model commissions, both would be fine.
2023-02-04 06:53:56 Hey, I sent you a message in Messages. I think you should do either model requests & model commissions, both would be fine.

Hey, I sent you a message in Messages. I think you should do either model requests & model commissions, both would be fine.

Phyrexia Hive

It's the master of muscle evolution